Chapter 11: Life and Death

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I am the Daiki, and Zeref Dragneel and Mavis Vermilion are my parents.

Your P.O.V

The symbol behind me is the Fairy Tail emblem crossed over with the Alvarez Empire logo. I have no idea how I know this, but I do. My mother, Mavis, created the Fairy Tail Guild three years after my birth, and my father, Zeref, is the founder of the Alvarez Empire.

"I remember," I whisper and meet Brain's eyes. "And you have no idea what you're doing."

"Shut up," Brian barks. "You will soon be under my control whether you like it or not."

An involuntary chuckle escapes my mouth. Betrayal I can deal with, but being controlled by some disgusting mongrel is something I won't let slide. I remember what I'm supposed to do in this world and letting myself be defeated isn't one of them.

I attempt to reign in my powers that are now second nature to me, but they somehow remain concealed.

"I told you, those binds won't let you free no matter how hard you try!" Brain exclaims with a deep laugh.

"If you don't let me go, you'll be in for a rude awakening. If you successfully cast that spell, many will die. That spell releases all the evil within my body and it's useless to defend yourself against it," I reveal.

"You're right. It may kill those in this area, but I will remain unharmed because I am the caster," he replies confidently.

"So you don't care if you're guild members get killed? How pathetic can you be?"

"Enough! It's time to finish this," Brain states and begins mumbling the rest of the spell while my panic sets in.

I clench my fists and yank my hardest on the cuffs that secure my wrists. My hope starts rapidly dissipating as the spell takes effect and my chest tightens.

"Cubellios!" I hear Erik's deep voice shout over everything else.

I look up as a swirl of purple tumbles from the sky and Cubellios' sharp fangs swoop down and slice right through my constricting binds.

Venom. An unnatural element.

I fall face-first to the ground before Erik comes in to view and catches me at the last second. I gaze at his worrisome eyes and my heart beats faster.

"I'm sorry," he whispers before helping me stand.

Chaos erupts and the dark sky starts to clear above us. I see Sorano jump in to action against the other Oracion Seis members, calling upon two of her spirits and I'm left thoroughly confused.

"Cubellios is taking you out of here. I'll see you soon," Erik says, quickly leading me to where Cubellios floats a few feet off the ground.

"Cobra! You traitor!" Racer yells, appearing next to us.

Erik stands in front of me and lets loose on Racer with all of his natural strength and it's surprisingly enough to knock Racer unconscious. Erik turns back to me and ushers me onto Cubellios.

"We'll explain later. Just trust us," he pleads as I toss one leg over the snake's scales.

"Trust? That won't be given until after you explain, but for now, I'll go along with this since I have no other choice," I reply.

A small grin morphs Erik's features. "That's all I need." He walks and stands in front of his best friend. "Keep her safe until we arrive."

Cubellios nods before shooting in to the sky with me holding on to her neck. I look back as Erik goes to help Sorano fight off the Oracion Seis members and they're doing surprisingly well with Hoteye and Racer already subdued.

What in the hell just happened?

Cubellios rapidly flies through the air and I feel the wind whipping my hair back in the breeze. I decide to push the questions aside for now until I see either Erik or Sorano again. All I know for now is that they helped me escape. After everything that's happened, they came through for me in the end.

Was this their brilliant plan from the beginning or after we became friends? What if they only did this to use my powers?

I shake my head. If they think they can go against me, I'd like to see them try. I may be rusty with my powers, but I can still pack a nice right-hook.

Cubellios glides over the forest and we pass a town I've never seen before. Where we are is still a complete mystery to me since I don't recognize any of the scenery. We continues for nearly thirty minutes before a village comes in to view. Cubellios carefully descends downward until she's hovering over the dirt.

I look around cautiously at the few cabins that all seem abandoned. I climb off Cubellios and plant both of my feet on the rocky terrain while continuing to scan the area.

I feel a nudge on my side and glance down to see Cubellios back to her regular form pointing me in a certain direction. I turn and head toward one of the cabins that looks to be in the best condition out of the bunch.

I scale the three steps to get on the porch then slide my hand on the doorknob. I put my ear to the door to see if I hear any movement inside and push open the door when all remains silent.

The place reminds me of my own home: relatively big but very clean. The first thing I notice is a white envelope resting on the table next to the stairs. I waltz over and see my name neatly written on the front.

Turning it around and tearing the envelope open, I pull out the lined paper, unfold it, and begin reading.

Dear (Y/N),

I know how confused you must be at this point if me and Sorano's plan was a success. If so, I want you to know that we had intentions of doing this only about two weeks ago. We wanted to go along with Brain from the beginning, but you changed our minds. We both fell in love with who you really are and decided we couldn't let this happen to you.

We devised a plan almost every night on how to get you out unharmed and I guess whatever just happened worked. We hope you forgive us for what we have been forced to do and I hope I can talk this out with you in person.

In all honesty, Sorano and I may not make it out alive against five very powerful wizards. If we're not back in three days, take Cubellios and run. She'll protect you and guide you to where to stay safe away from the dark guilds.

I want you to know that I will do whatever I can to see you again. You have given me the opportunity to start over and find who I really am.

Thank you,

I grip the edges of the paper tighter as I finish the ending before tossing it on the table. Three days. I'll give them three days before I make a new life for myself, but I can't resist hoping both of them will be alive to be apart of it.

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