Chapter 13: Roadblock

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One Week Later

It's been a week of running from country to country and have managed to get to Stella. It's been a rigorous journey so far with having to steal from markets and showering in ponds. It hasn't been easy, but at least you haven't run into much trouble yet.

In this time, you've grown closer to Angel and Cobra significantly. Angel constantly points out the flirting between you and Cobra, but you brush it off with laughter. Cobra's been very protective and won't let you out of his sights too long incase of lingering dark guilds.

Unfortunately for the four of you, the country of Stella houses many dark guilds, one even part of the Balam Alliance. Word has probably gotten out by now of the downfall of the Oracion Seis and your disappearance, meaning every dark guild around Earthland will be on your trail.

It's not an easy thing to cope with, but you must continue forward for the sake of your future.

The sun is preparing to take its final rest for the day as the four of you continue on a paved road on the outskirts of a small town. It's been exhausting, to say the least, but it will be worth it.

"How much longer until we get to Joya?" Angel asks from your right side.

"The border is still an hour walk away," Cobra answers, examining the map from your other side.

"We're getting closer. That's a plus," you say with a sigh.

A rustling in the bushes interrupts the calm nature and the atmosphere becomes tense with anticipation. You all stop at the same moment and Cobra steps in front of you instantly. A chill runs through your veins and you know whatever is coming cannot be anything good.

Five figures emerge from the brush and you see Cobra and Angel clench their fists and get into fighting stances.

"Eisenwald," Angel grits out.

Dark guild, you conclude.

"Look at you guys. Two members of the Oracion Seis running away with the world's most precious item," Erigor says.

"Former members," Cobra says. "You guys have two choices here. One, turn around and go back to where you came from, or two, get your asses kicked."

"No, no, no," Erigor says. "You know as well as I do that everyone wants that little gem you've been hiding. We've worked out what the two of you think you're doing and I must say it's genius. Lying to her and saying you're saving her when you're really taking her to her death."

"Lies!" Angel shouts. "Don't think you can screw with us. We've taken out the best wizards in Earthland and no lowly dark guild is going to take us down."

"Now dark guilds are lowly? Weren't both of you in one for years not even two weeks ago? And weren't you trying to kill that girl right there?"

"Things change. It's really none of your business. Now, if you get on your way, we won't have a problem," Cobra bites out and you can almost feel the poison seeping through his skin.

"We're taking what we won't and you can't stop us. Go boys!" Erigor yells.

The four men standing on either sides of him charge forward and Cobra and Angel leap into action. Cobra's arms become encased in maroon scales that match his hair while Angel takes out her key for Scorpio. During this past week, Angel has rekindled her relationship with her spirits and they're now very good friends.

Cubellios, who has been lurking in the background, slithers over to take a stance in front of you. You wish at this moment you could use your powers, but you don't know how powerful they could be so you resist the temptations, knowing your partners have this in the bag.

Cobra and Angel take on two members of Eisenwald each until Erigor sees his men losing the upper hand and steps in to take down Cobra who seems to be the stronger of the two.

"Cubellios, help Cobra!" you direct quickly without thinking.

Cubellios hisses and darts across the ground to take one of the smaller guys off of her friend. It looks like that was Erigor's plan all along as he zips over and grabs your upper arm.

"No getting away now, sweetheart," he says with a disgusting smirk.

"You know what happened to the last guy who called me sweetheart?" you question rhetorically as you bring your leg around to kick him in the gut. "He died."

You manage to get his vice grip off your bicep and you can feel a slight sting from where his hand was. Cobra hears your voice and his attention snaps to you, seeing Erigor slowly recovering from the kick. He brings down his claws against his opponents' faces and uses the poison to slash marks into their skin.

The men scream in agony and fall to writhe against the ground for Cubellios to finish them off as Cobra darts over to wraps his scaled hand around Erigor's neck.

"Never touch her again," Cobra growls, his voice becoming thicker with rage from having you almost taken from him.

Erigor's face starts changing color as Cobra's grip tightens and you stand off to the side rubbing your arm. Cobra whips the guy around, and with a sickening crunch, snaps his neck. Your eyes widen, but you don't make a sound as you look to see Angel finishing up the other two goons.

"He's not dead," Cobra assures as his scales fade. "It will paralyze him for a few hours, maybe days, along with the other pathetic excuses for human beings."

Cobra doesn't meet your eyes as his breathing calms. After a couple of minutes, he finally turns and rushes to you and cups your face in his calloused hands.

"Are you okay?"

You nod, not being able to speak a word as Cobra gazes into your eyes. Honestly, you didn't care if either of them killed all five of the dark guild members, but the fact that they chose not to shows you how much they're changing. They're becoming the people you know they are instead of who they were when they were being brainwashed.

Cobra places a kiss on your forehead and searches your face for any signs of discomfort before letting go. You give him a small smile and look back over to Angel.

"Ready to go?" you ask.

Angel is glancing around at the ground and has her celestial keys laying in her palm, an unreadable expression on her face.

"No," she says.

"No? What's wrong?" you ask, taking a few steps toward her.

Angel looks up and locks eyes with you. In barely an audible whisper, she says, "I don't think I want to do this anymore."

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