Chapter 15: One Step Closer

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The sign is standing on top of the hill as you make it that much closer with Cobra by your side. The darkness has fallen and stars infiltrate the sky with their shimmering glow. Once you get to the top of the hill, there's only miles of wilderness ahead, but it seems the area is inhabited with friendly fireflies. They give off a welcoming glow as you and Cobra continue forward.

"We should stop for the night. It seems like civilization is miles away, so we should be safe," Cobra says.

"Agreed," you reply.

When you get to the bottom of the hill where there aren't many of the fireflies, you sling the bag off your shoulder and start searching through it until you pull out two blankets while Cobra does the same except brings out two pillows.

You do the normal routine of laying one blanket down like a makeshift bed and sit cross-legged on the fabric next to Cobra. You zip up your bag and leave it to the side before turning your attention to him.

"What's it like being a Poison Dragon Slayer?" you question with genuine curiosity.

"Natural. I mean, the ability to read minds and hear anything in a hundred mile radius was a surprise and it's still hard to get used to, but the whole dragon thing is apart of me now. Maybe it always has been even before the lacrima."

"Is your body just immune to all poisons?" you inquire.

"Most poisons. There are always some of the rare ones that nothing can stop, but I usually don't have to worry too much," he answers. "What's it like having a once-in-a-lifetime gift?"

"Why does everyone assume something is a gift because they don't have it or it's such a rarity in the world? Maybe having gifts are little things like being able to balance a spoon on your nose or even tie your shoes. I get it's different because it's magic, but those can be magic too, and maybe they are, just tiny sparks of magic going unnoticed because mostly everyone can do them."

"But you represent the different faces of the universe--the good, the bad, the white, the black, the pure, the evil. What you just said is such a clear indication of your powers. You didn't accept being extraordinary because you're both good and bad, meaning always being neutral with everything," Cobra points out.

You groan before letting out a small chuckle. "I still feel like me, though. Like this power is just something people talk about, but I can't feel it."

"That's because it's always been you. The pain you have in your head is just you becoming more aware of it," he says.

"I know," you sigh.

A few minutes pass with you looking around the area. You're startled when Cobra's hand touches yours.

"(Y/N)," he says softly. "I want you to know that I am so sorry for all of this and I vow to always protect you and help you deal with your powers. I don't want you to think it's because of guilt. I care about you. A lot. And I want to make it up to you if you'll let me."

You stare at Cobra's out of character vulnerability and the way he looks down into your (E/C) eyes with an intensity like never before. Without thinking, you lean over and gently touch your lips with his as an answer to the whirlwind of questions racing through both your minds.

Your body moves on its own as you swing your leg over and straddle his hips with your torsos touching. Cobra's hand instinctively move to rest on your hips and your right hand moves to run through his soft hair while the other rests on his shoulder.


You slip your tongue into his mouth, taking him by surprise. Slowly, you reach down to unbutton his white jacket before your hands are caught in Cobra's grip.

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