Chapter 3: Angel

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Three Weeks Later

Your P.O.V

Have you ever been sent to your room by your parents and felt like you could never leave again? That's kind of how I'm feeling right now. The shackles on my wrists have not been taken off once since I first got dragged here and everyday they feel heavier and tighter. Imagine trying to use the bathroom with them on.

Although this guy, whose name is Cobra apparently, has been watching me like a hawk, I've met the rest of the Oracion Seis with Hoteye, Racer, Midnight (the asshole with the rug), and my personal favorite, Angel. While all the other members are awful, Angel hasn't said a single mean word and has been the one taking the effort to feed and take me to the bathroom.

This entire situation might suck, but at least it's different from what I usually do, maybe even exciting. Not to say kidnap is fun, but as someone who hasn't done anything besides go to work, school, or the library, it's an odd and mysterious change. Besides, what do I have to lose? Nothing.

Probably your life.

I still have no idea what their plans are or if I just might lose my life. If they do try that, I'll put up a fight, but for now, I'll sit back and relax as much as I can.

"Hey, Cubellios," I muse as the snake slithers over to the couch. By the way, I got an upgrade thanks to Angel. It's a small, black couch with a few tears, but it's better than the floor.

Cubellios curls up on the other cushion as I lightly glide my hand over her scales. For some reason, I feel like I know she's not some normal snake, despite her size. She has human-like qualities in her pupils that I can't get out of my head.

That reminds me. The feeling I get hasn't really bothered me as much anymore. It only occurs every few days and I usually end up closing my eyes tightly and taking deep breathes to avoid attention. So far, none of them have noticed. At least, I don't think they have. If they have, they probably just turned their heads because that's how humans are. Whenever we see conflict, we avoid getting involved.

"Hey, (Y/N). Why are you petting that dumb snake?" Angel asks, entering the cave while completely ignoring Cobra.

"Cubellios is not dumb!" Cobra growls.

"I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Cobra."

Angel rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to take a walk down the river?"

"Yes!" I exclaim immediately, jumping to my feet. The only time I'm allowed to leave is to use the bathroom and some fresh air would be amazing right now.

"Hold on. I still have to guard her," Cobra states sternly.

"Then come with us, just don't listen to our conversation," Angel grumbles.

"Fine," he reluctantly agrees.

"Can you at least take these cuffs off? They're really hurting my wrists," I question desperately, feeling the metal dig deeper in to my skin.

"Absolutely not," Cobra says.

"It's not a big deal, Cobra. We'll both be there and she would be an idiot to try to run away."

"But Master said-"

Angel cuts him off. "I don't care what he said. Give me the key."

Cobra mumbles under his breath as he reaches in to his pocket to grab the key and hand it to Angel who takes it and stands in front of me. She gently places her hands on the cuffs and I resist whimpering at the pain. Angel slides the key into the lock, and with one quick turn, the cuffs unlock and fall to the cave floor. I hiss at the searing pain that shoots through my arm at the relief from the constant restraint.

I look down and see purple and blue bruises wrapped around my skin along with dry blood and already scarring cuts. I flex my fingers a few times to increase the blood flow and take a couple of breaths.

I glance back up to see Angel with such a sad and remorseful expression but I resist looking at Cobra's reaction. Angel puts a hand in the middle of my back and guides me out of the cave as Cobra follows.

The light momentarily blinds me as we exit the cave and I quickly adjust my eyes. I scan the area that seems to be composed of nothing more than endless rows of trees and bushes. Angel leads me down a path and I inhale the fresh evening air that surrounds us. We slow down once the river comes in to view and Angel begins to speak.

"You remind me so much of my sister," she says and my head snaps to hers.

"Angel, what-"

"Sorano. Call me Sorano. That's my real name." I nod and she continues. "My little sister is the sweetest person I've ever known. My parents would scold her for the most idiotic reasons and I would always stand up for her. A long time ago, a demon attacked my village and they were killed, but my sister barely got away in time."

I stare straight ahead and I can hear the sorrow that laces her voice, but I continue listening. "I was forced to work and build the Tower of Heaven. From all the torture and loss, I realized how much I wanted to be an angel; to rise into the sky and be pure. That's all I'll ever want, besides finding my sister."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask in almost a whisper.

Sorano stops and places her hand on my arm to stop me, too. I turn toward her and look straight in to her teary eyes. "Because you're just like my sister. You're so sweet and kind and you haven't even attempted an escape from us. You don't even know why we want you, but you haven't asked. It will only make me feel even more guilty when we finally execute our plan."

"Then tell me why you need me. What could I possibly be able to give you?" I question calmly and Sorano grins sadly.

"You don't know how special you are. The things you can do." She pauses to grab both my wrists, and when I expect unbearable pain, there isn't any and she raises them for me to see. "You have more power than you know."

My eyes widen when I examine my skin to see them completely back to normal besides a few tiny scars. My flesh isn't bruised and I nearly start freaking out at the sight, but I somehow remain speechless.

"I want you to know that I'm sorry for everything that's going to happen. I just... I have to. I don't want to, but I have to do it. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I want you to know that I'm sorry," Sorano explains in a rush with eyes pleading that I will understand, and I do.

Everyone has to do things they don't want to do, but do it anyway either because they have no choice or it's for someone they care about. During these past three weeks, I've noticed the way all the members act as I silently observe them from the sidelines. I can almost smell the amount of sorrow radiating from each of them but they continue to put on stoic faces around each other.

I'm not an easy person to fool with these things. I've quietly watched a lot of situations on the streets, in coffee shops, and in restaurants of people living their everyday lives with these fake expressions of contentment when they're having a war inside themselves. It's a depressing truth to know how we act in this world for the sake of others.

"I understand and I don't blame you. I really hope you find your sister one day," I say with the utmost sincerity.

Sorano grimaces and turns us around to lead us back to the cave. I notice Cobra standing way ahead of us now, staring down at the water. He cocks his head in our direction, we locks eyes, and somehow, I know he heard every word we said.

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