Day 6; Oliver Wood; Non-Traditional Quidditch Practice

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"Come on, y/n, it's much faster this way!" My boyfriend, Oliver Wood, whined to me, picking up his broom and the Christmas lights for my house.

"No!" I protested, grabbing his broom and moving quickly away. "I know you; I've played Quidditch with you. It may be faster, but it isn't safer. And I love you too much to let anything happen to you. Why can't we just use a ladder like - "

"Aww, I love you too," Oliver said, twirling me around and planting a kiss on my lips, "That's why I want to decorate your house for you. My way."

Oliver had taken the broom back from me while I was still dazed (in a good way) from his kiss. He darted out of my reach, mounted his broomstick, and flew up into the air, a strand of Christmas lights dangling behind him.

I sighed exasperatedly and called out, "Be careful! And when we have to go to St. Mungo's you get to explain to the medics what happened!"

He just laughed as he soared away.

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