Ch 2 The Gambler

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Two or three days went by and Jaden was worried about AP coming to take his title. Alexis saw that Jaden was worried and wanted to do something to get his mind off AP and his plan to take him down. Alexis got the idea to go on a date with Jaden. That would be the perfect way to get him to relax. Alexis said to Jaden "Jaden you need to relax, I think a date night would be the perfect way to get your mind off of AP." Jaden said "yes, that is just what I need, Alexis. I love you more than anything, right?" Alexis said "I know that, and I love you too."

At the same time Alexis and Jaden were planning their date, a boat with an active poker game was floating off Duel Academy Island. One opponent had a pair. Another man said "I have three of a kind." The man took the chips and called it a night The man looked out across the water and saw Duel Academy Island. His companion said "Pierre, what are you staring at?" Pierre said "that island, what was it called again?" The man said "Duel Academy Island. That is a place were the best duelists go to school." After hearing this, Pierre got on a jet ski and made his way to Duel Academy Island. Pierre thought 'I will finally get revenge on the one person who has ever beaten me at anything."

Jaden and Alexis spent the day normally and then they began their date night. Jaden started the date at the docks. They began to swim, but then after a minute or two, they saw someone on a jet ski. Alexis saw who it was and grabbed Jaden's hand and pulled him out of the water. Jaden saw Alexis' face, which showed nothing but fury and he wondered what had made her so mad. Jaden said in a whisper "  why are you so angry, Alexis?" Alexis said "I know that man. He was my friend at one point but he betrayed me and stole something from me."

Pierre got to the docks and got off the jet ski and said "greetings, Alexis Rhodes I have come to beat you in a duel." Alexis said "it's Alexis Yuki now." Pierre was stunned at this. He was angry and his face was turning red but then he began to formulate a plan to make Alexis his. Pierre said "I will give you back what I took, if you beat me in a duel. If you don't beat me, then you have to leave your husband and become my wife." Now that made Jaden angry and he was not going to have it. Jaden said "you are not taking my wife from me, you scum bag I will duel you myself if I have to." Alexis said "stay out of this Jaden, this is my fight and I am the one that will beat him." Pierre smiled at the fact that he got the opportunity to get revenge and a wife.

So, both Alexis and Pierre started their duel disks and said "duel." Pierre said "I will go first, my draw. I play the spell card Second Coin Toss. Now I play Gambler Angel Bunny in attack mode (1200atk). Now I activate her special ability once per turn. I can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, inflict 1000 points of damage to you. If not, I take 1000 points damage. Now, I flip and call it, heads." It landed tails up and Alexis said "I guess gambling was not one of your strong suits." Pierre said "now I can activate the ability of Second Coin Toss. Now I can flip the coin again. Heads, and what do you know, it's heads. So, you take 1000 points of damage."

Alexis lost 1000 life points and was angry that he was using the gambling tactic. Pierre ended his turn with a face down. Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Cyber Blader in attack mode (1400atk). Now Blader attack his Gamble Angel Bunny." Pierre said "I reveal my trap card Fairy Box so when your monster declares an attack, I toss a coin and call it. If I call it right, the attacking monster's ATK becomes 0 until the end of the Battle Phase. During each of my Standby Phases, I pay 500 Life Points or destroy this card. I flip my coin. I say tails. What do you know, it's tails. Now your monsters attack is 0." Now  Blade Skater was destroyed because it had less attack points and Alexis lost 1200 life points. Alexis said "I will end my turn with two face downs."

Pierre smiled and said "my turn, I draw. I summon another Gambler Angel Bunny. I will give up five hundred life points to keep Fairy Box active. Now I activate my Bunny's ability. Now I get to flip a coin." Alexis said "not so fast, I play my spell card Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Second Coin Toss. Now let's see if you are as good a gambler as you say you are." Pierre flipped his first coin and got it wrong and he took 1000 points of damage. He failed also on the second attempt. So he lost another 1000 life points. Now he tried to attack with his bunnies but Alexis said "I activate my trap card, Mirror Force, to destroy your monsters."

So, Pierre watched in horror as his monsters were destroyed. Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my Cyber Blader and Etolie Cyber to summon Cyber Blader in attack mode (2100atk). Now, let's see if your gambling ability is all that it is cracked up to be." Pierre said "I activate Fairy Box. Now, if I get it right I don't take any damage. I say heads." Pierre was sweating as he flipped the coin. It landed tails and Bladers attack hit and Pierre lost the duel.

Alexis and Jaden walked up to Pierre. Pierre was down on his knees and was so upset about losing for the second time and to the same person. Pierre said "a deals a deal, I will give you back the scarf that your mother gave you." Pierre gave back the scarf and said "I only wanted your love, Alexis. That was all I wanted. S,o if you could forgive me and come with me, we could have a great life." Alexis said "I can't forgive you for stealing what was mine and I don't want to see your face around here. I will have my husband bury you with all his connections." Jaden smiled at this and Pierre could think of no response and so he left. Alexis and Jaden continued their date and enjoyed it for they felt safe and didn't realize that something was coming for them. 

Yu-gi-oh! GX Jaden and his love volume 2Where stories live. Discover now