First match

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^her shoes.

My father again woke me up this morning but at 4:00 in the morning making me groan with annoyance.

I sat up in my bed that I set up just yesterday after dinner which took only an hour which I am proud of.

I got out of my comfortable bed standing in my silky pink shorts and my pink singlet.

I can already tell my hair is already knotted, but I didn't mind about that just yet.

I strolled downstairs with a sleepy face and a non-corporate body.

"Are you ready champ?" My father seems really excited about making my shoulder drop at how happy he was to go to a match.

I walk passed my father as I sarcastically cheer, he gave me a chuckle.

I sat down and made my breakfast that is already set on the table.

"After breakfast go get ready," he orders as he cleans up the kitchen.

I sigh quietly, and I respond, "yes coach."

He turned around and smiled widely at me before having a sip of his morning coffee.

I shoved back my breakfast quickly making me feel sick before of how much milk I drank.

I march upstairs. When I got to my room, I quickly put on my short wolves pants and wolves Jersey that my father got yesterday when he finished coaching.

I brushed my hair before putting it in a high ponytail and washed my face in the bathroom before slipping on my long green and black socks which is our colours along with my shin guard and at last my green and pink soccer boots.

I look at myself in my body length mirror that is behind my door.

I had a fit body, but I didn't look like a soccer player because of my height, I looked fragile, and I hated it, but I used it as my advantage.

I took out my earrings as they will hurt if they get pulled out, soccer is a challenging sport if you don't know where to put your hands.

I set them down in my Jewelry box before taking a look at my nails to see that they are just below the requirements to play.

I nod and then sighed thinking I won't make it through the day.

"Ashley, time to hit the road!" My father shouts from downstairs.

I grab a bag that had water bottles, extra sweat clothes, shin guards, gloves and a ball.

It was heavy, but I didn't whine, I was never brought up to.

I meet my father next to the car as he grabs the bag throwing it in the back as I manage to climb in the passenger seat.

My father is wearing long track pants and a wolves Jersey as well.

"Dad, why is there only eleven-player on the team. What happens if someone gets hurt?" I ask out of Curiosity.

"These boys have been playing together since they were very young and they had a hard time accepting newcomers ever since one of their teammates betrayed them," he mentions.

"Cody brown?" I ask not precisely sure.

"I'm pretty sure but Hun, don't say anything to the guys, alright?" He says as he starts the car.


After a few minutes, we pull up at a field with a large number of people sitting on benches, maybe around 300 people, more people I have played in front of.

But I can spot the wolves sitting on the benches on the field chatting among each other.

I look at my father, but he jumps out of the car grabbing the stuff from the back. I slide down the car seat until my small feet hit the ground.

I shut the door but not before making sure I locked it.

My father gave me a playful nudge before walking closer and closer to where the Wolves sat.

When they saw my dad and me, well, our coach and I they didn't stop talking. Some kept giving us glazes, but captain jerk keeps the most extended stare which is making me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay listen up!" My dad claps but no one listens. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"We don't follow orders from you?" A guy with black hair and a long slender face said with a nasty tone.

All the other guys seem to agree with him as the captain what's his face stands up, and everyone shuts their traps.

"Listen up and listen good. Beat these guys, and we are going to regionals," the guys erupt into cheers. "Now, Nick, jet and Rowan in the front, Declan, Tristan, Brodie, middle. Jake, Mathew and I are back. Robo you goalie," he breaks as I just stand there.

"Hey! Where do I go?" I ask yelling at the captain if I should call him that.

"Oh didn't see you there shortly, you can um, go all the way over there and stay there," he says pointing to the far right side of the field where the ball rarely goes.

Before I can get a chance to yell at him, he runs off. All I have to do is walk away, and they are disqualified, but I can't do that to my father.

I huff and jog over to where I am meant to be as every 'guy' from the other team begins to whistle at me. I ignore them but deep down I wanted to beat the shit out of those pigs.

When I got to my spot all my teammates were just staring at me, then they look at their captain who is looking ruthlessly at his opponents.

I am pulled out of my thoughts or daydreams or whatever when I hear a high pitch whistle go off letting the dogs out of their cages.

I do what the captain said to do, stay where I am. See how long they last without me?

They were all over the place bunching up. Leaving the field wide open, what idiots.

This captain set up was entirely off.

What He did was made the fast ones first then the active ones that take a lot to make them puffed then the back is the skilful ones. But doing that, putting them in groups was like a war between them.

I would think; get one skilful and two active ones at the front so the active ones can run as the skilful one keeps them occupied. For the middle, I would put the two fast ones with another energetic one. And the last row I would put the last two skilful ones and one fast one mainly as defenders as they are not to leave that area they have to protect the goal, more important than getting the ball.

I had to suffer in watching them lose the ball over and over because they are too close together.

I actually started to feel sorry for this Rob guy in the goalie because if his teammate keeps this up, he is doomed.

I sigh, the sun is already set, and I just want this game to be over so I can go home, lazy I know.

Suddenly, I heard a big smash or a bang Kind of sound making my head snap towards the noise as I notice a ball flying through the air.

Should I get the ball and go against the captain's orders? Or should I stay still and do exactly what he said?


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