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I didn't do what I intended; punching his face but instead, I agreed. Properly the biggest mistake in my life but I couldn't refuse. But I was still stuck on the issue of how everyone is going to find out. If Rowan is into Nick, how is he going to show me affection. Wait a second, am I doing this to make Isaac jealous? Was I hoping for this? That's ridiculous, Isaac and I are just friends, that night was just what jocks do. It was wrong of me to think otherwise.

Rowan looks surprised at my suddenly agreement. The guys were a few metres away looking upon us while talking to Trixie. Isaac was just what you would call 'chilling' by the side lines. As for my dad, I'm making an assumption that he's by the car in the parking lot as he is no where to be seen.

I look back at Rowan to see he has anger written all over his face. Nick arm hangs over Trixie's shoulder, I didn't find anything wrong with that. But this guy was really possessive. I started to regret saying yes. When I was about to walk away from this his hand grabs my wrist pulling me towards him making me jolt forward. I'm partly sure he was aiming for a hug but somehow we ended up kissing!
I couldn't feel anything, no spark, no nothing. He was handsome, I'll give him that much. But that night with Isaac was just...electric. This feeling, was something you would give your friends or family member. After our short peck the atmosphere seems to rise quickly.

Everyone was silenced in shock. Until someone had to interrupt the awkward moment. "Who else is confused?" Trixie's voice shoots up immediately which made me look her way to see her surprised face. Nicks arm was off her shoulder as he looks towards the ground. Did we make things worse? Then I paused, I didn't want to look at Issac. What sort of face is he showing? I couldn't help myself as I snuck a glance his way to see he held a normal straight face which made me feel sad in someway, like my heart shattered to a million pieces. But I had to say something was in his eyes. An emotion I can't describe. It wasn't that I could see it, I can feel it. It burning through me making me feel bothered. Seriously, what situation is this?

My father returned as he blew his whistle gaining everyones unfocused attention. When did he even get here?
Throughout the training half of us were off and by half I mean Rowan, Nick, Isaac and I. I couldn't get the hang of it, I'd lose the ball, I'd trip, everything that used to be so simple is now so complicated.

The whistle went up as Jet helps me off the ground. "What's with you four, you's are bring the team down. Whatever problems you have with each other, sort it out now. I thought you knew how to deal with this Ashley specially after last time."

I was frozen, I couldn't move. He brought up my life devastation. I never thought he would do something like that. 2 years ago a girl named Opra wanted to be on the team, but after try outs I decided she was no good. My attitude was cold and heartless as the time was when my mother fell ill. I buried emotions inside letting only the strongest emotions show which was mostly anger. That time I yelled at her after she begged me to put her on. I didn't like the whining, so I said she had no skill and wasn't good enough. Two nights later, Opea Hutson committed suicide because of me. Because of how strict and rude I was upon her. I took my anger out on her and this is what happened.

I couldn't help but feel angered at my dad, but on the other hand, what he said was right. I needed to stop this situation otherwise things might just get bad. I couldn't help what Rowan did, but I did have a choice and I accepted. I should have refused the minute my mind thought otherwise and it lead me down this messed up situation.

We all returned to our homes as I just sat in my room in my pjs looking at my old soccer team photo. I almost forgot about them, I was having so much fun that I actually forgot. Is that going to happen if I move again?
I sat the photo faced down on my bedside table. I pulled out my phone as I was about to message Rowan but that will only make it worse. I chuck my phone down on my bed as I brush my hands over my face in frustration.
I didn't know what to do, I was literally stuck. I bite my bottom lip as there was a knock on my door as it slowly opens to reveal my father.

"Hey Bub, I'm sorry what I said early," he mentions coming in before sitting at the end of my bed.

I sat up in a hurry crossing my legs. "It's not your fault." I sigh looking toward the ground as he rubs my head messing up my hair. "Oi!" I groan as he lets out a laugh that I haven't heard in what seems like forever. "Dad can I tell you something important?"

"Of course you can?" He says sitting up straight with a smug smile on his face ready for the gossip like one of those teenage girl that change the rumours like Chinese whisper.

"I like someone."


Thanks again for reading guys, I'm feeling ill so I'm hoping the next ch will be out soon but no promises.
Umm you know the routine.
Love u my peeps

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