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Even though most player were hurt none were badly injured so the coaches decided to keep playing and in the end we came out on top. Right now we are having dinner, rice and chicken as we celebrate our victory.

As I eat my dinner in quiet I sudden go back to last night when I went to say goodnight to Isaac, Nick and Rowan in their rooms and over heard their conversation about how they should have made the bet to a week not just one day.

I sigh, so many things have happen in so little time and now in three days we are going to vs at the same place to get into the semi-finals. But after that it's going to be tricky as it will be; finals, Regionals and district, if we get that fair it is.

I eat more of my rice as I look up to see Isaac is looking at me chewing on his chicken. Why did he put me in goalie? Why is he scared to go home? What's with this Cody dude?

All these questions seem to be bother me not just in the inside but also around me as the air begins to suddenly feel thicker.

I quietly, unnoticed stand up and head outside once I do cold air I've been dying to feel hits my face.

I cross my arms over my chest as I look up at the moon that is a new moon just creeping up on the earth with a glimpse of sunlight behind me.

I lay down on my back looking up at the few stars that were visible and I unwittingly closed my eyes without my knowing.

When I woke up, It was like my head was lying on soft, warm pillow but nothing like the pillow I own. I knew I wasn't in bed by the touch of the  grassy feel underneath me and the cold breeze which seems to be getting to me which is the reason why I actually decide to open my eyes.

Surprisingly when I open my eyes I see Isaacs sleeping face staring adorably down at me.

I watch him sleep for what felt like hours but I shake myself to snap out of it. Why was he here? I soon realise His thigh was that soft warm pillow I was talking about.

I rub my forehead before sitting up only to be forced to lay back down again by my shoulders.

I look back at Isaac but he is still sound asleep. I watch his facial expressions for a moment but nothing, not a flinch. I decide to sit back up again only to be pushed back down by a sleeping Isaac one again.

"Isaac, what are you doing?" I ask looking like an idiot at his peaceful face.

He suddenly opens one of his eyes staring directly into mine. "Go back to sleep."

"In my bed I will," I state crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then let's go," he says picking me up bridal style.

"Wait. I didn't mean with you," I try squirming but he has a tight griped on me which is only getting worse the more I struggle.

"Shh, you'll wake everyone up," He says emotionless.

"Maybe that a good thing," I say daringly louder.

Isaac gives me a stare not a happy, sad, angry stare but a one I can not explain, it is like he holds all the emotions in the world in his eyes.

I sigh letting him carry me which I should feel weird about but I don't. I feel more safe and warm, in a way I didn't want him to let me go but this feeling I am having is so sudden I don't know what to think.

When he walks into my room he looks around examining the room for a moment before heading carefully over to my bed, I am surprised he got this far without tripping.

I soon feel my back slowly land in a comfortable like cloud then the rest of my body. I couldn't even see Isaac in this dark, I'm not even sure if he is still here, his breath is so light.

I lean over and feel my way towards my lamp. When I felt the cord I slide my hand down it to feel a square like box and switched the switch to see the light brighten the room.

I finally see Isaac whose eyes were glued onto my light at least that's what I thought until I follow his gaze to the picture of my old team.

My breath almost got stuck in my airwaves. Does he think I don't care about them?

"Isaac?" I ask to get his attention but it is still on the picture. "Isa-"

"You haven't got a picture of us yet," surprisingly he smiles like he is happy that I got that picture.

I smile, "not yet." I look back at the picture and back at him who is just staring at me. "I wanna ask you something."

He loses his smile giving me a confused look. "Go on."

"What's with this Cody?" I question but Isaac froze.

"You should already know that by now, he betrayed us." He says without any emotion.

"This isn't war it's a game."

"Cody betrayed us because he said we sucked that I shouldn't be captain and half the people on our team listened to him and followed him to other team which they had beat us," he says with a hurtful voice.

"What about the coach?"

He chuckled, "what coach? Every coach was to afraid to coach us. We never listened, we had our own way."

That got me thinking. "Then why did you listen to my dad?"

He smiles at me. "Because when we saw you we thought we finally had a chance."

"So you were gonna use me?" I say getting a little confused or maybe I was right on the bullseye.

He nods. "We were going to."

"Why didn't you?"

He looks into my eyes moving closer. "Because we care about you Ashley, I care about you."

"Is that why you put me in goalie?"

He nods his head, "the players are getting tougher and we decide to keep you goalie."

"Keep me in goalie. No I can't be goalie let me be on the field," I jump up to my knees leaning towards him.

I see him slightly blush before looking away shaking his head, "not gonna happen."

I didn't know what to say I was frozen. I know he doesn't want me on the field because the guys are getting rougher but that's the point of the game.

"Why do you wanna stay here another week?" I fall back on my behind.

"How did you hear about that?" His eyes went wide but he body starts to crawl up towards me.

"Last night before I said goodnight to all of you's," I honestly say.

"So you heard nothing before that?" He ask worried like he has something to hide.

I shake my head, "no I didn't hear anything else."

He didn't say anything else. His knees were on my bed on one side of my legs and his arms were on either side of my waist with his face face cm away from mine.

I gulp my body and heart was warming and bursting all over but my head was confused it didn't think anything.

Isaacs eyes look lonely like he has been empty all his life. Not wanting to be the scared one nor the confused one I leaned forwards latching his lip to mine.

I spot his eyes sparking before he closed them and kissed me back harder like he has been waiting his whole life for this.

The kiss felt so good, so right. I feel sparks vibrating off our lips. Isaac leaned me down on the bed with him on top of me still kissing me.

Isaac kisses my top lip before pulling back staring in my eyes with happiness. His lips pulled not one of those fake smiles that I alway notice but a full on happy one making me smile.

"Ashley," he says bubbling.


"I'm sleeping in your bed tonight," he lays beside me already spooning me before he even finished the sentence.

"Guess I have no choice," I laugh as I feel Isaacs smile pressed against my neck and his sleeping breath breathing slowly. I smile before digging myself into him more to feel him pull me closer with his arm around my waist and one of his legs over both of mine.

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