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My dad is stuck into making the rooms look presentable as possible as I keep him company until the guys arrive.

He had already put the lock on my door after miserable attempts that I just laugh non-stop at him, honestly it was a pity I didn't get it on video.

Once my father is done with making the last bed as neat as he can possible make it he stands beside me.

I sigh, "I don't understand you."

He laughs knowing what I mean by that. "I like making people feel comfortable."

"I know you do," I nudge his shoulder.

"But if anyone of them makes a move tonight you be sure to tell me," my fathers look was serous as he looks down at me.

I nod my head, "you'll be the first one."

He smiles before his face goes into a realisation state. "I still have to take care of the soccer stuff."

"Dad, worry about it in the morning," I call out to him as he already sets himself down the hall.

"This isn't for tomorrow," he says turning the corner.

I huff as he is planning a soccer game in the back yard. Pretty good that we don't have neighbours on either side.

I walk to my room opening a draw next to my bed. Inside was a photo that means a lot to me, my old soccer team.
I pick it up running my fingers over the photo, smiling as I remember all the fun we all had.

We were an all girl team and we sure did make it to finals, but the competition against Japan was difficult, they must of train 24/7 to get as good as they did.

I pick up another photo to see Lisa, Hayley, Gabriella and I all crouching down on one knee with an arm around each other. The background was of the field and the night sky catching a shooting star.

I grab a purple frame out of one of my boxes in my room just the right size for the canvas.

I place it in before sitting it under my lamp on my bed side table.

I stand there looking at the photo blocking a lot of things out.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and I hear my fathers heavy footsteps running to the door. My dad is a very outgoing person if you didn't notice. People just underestimate his appearance to his personality. He isn't the strict, unfriendly coach he looks like, he is exactly the opposite.

I hear a few chats down stairs getting louder and louder. For some reason I start to feel nervous, my heart is racing, my palms are sweating and my breathing is all over the place.

I close my eyes tightly for a second concentrating then opening them back up to seem alright but still not normal.

I sigh before heading slowly down stairs. Once I got near the bottom everyone -I mean everyone one on the team was here, they must of met up before coming here- was still chatting as I look around I spot Nike, Rowan and Isaac are in one group talking but they seem to send glances my way every few seconds or so.

I walk over to my father listening to his instruction as everyone else tunes in. "Okay easy instruction we chat or play inside until pizza is ready. After, we play soccer outside," everyone seems to cheer at that as I smile. "Then off to bed to an early start tomorrow." Everyone starts to chat until my father interrupts, "and only one rule," everyone waits patiently. "No-one," he points at each one of them, "go near my daughters room tonight."

I could face-Palm myself right now at how embarrassed I am.

I look away chewing on my bottom lip getting back my nervous sweat. "Yes sir!" They all unexpectedly shouted in unison.

I huff out all this nervousness then run my fingers threw my hair before turning to face Nick, Rowan and Isaac.

"Hey guys," I pull my biggest smile not wanting to seem rude.

"Oh Ashley," Nick swings a muscular arm around me in a friendly way. "You were great on the first match did I tell you that?"

I shake my head slowly now seeming quiet and shy but I am usually not.

"Well I should have," he laughs as his pink lips go thin. He has long blonde hair that is stroked back in a surfer dude look. He has amazing brown eyes that look similar to a chocolatey colour that compares with his pale skin

"Yeah, you were awesome," Rowan says as his hazel eyes seem to shine a little brighter. He has short black hair that are in really tight ringlets, he looks to be aboriginal telling by his roughy shaded light and dark mixture skin.
When he smiles his teeth were so white and clear that I felt like brushing my teeth until they were white.

"Thanks you guys," I put on my best smile, but then again I didn't want to impress them with my smile.

"Pizza's ready!" My dad exclaims from the kitchen that I didn't know he was in.

Everyone stops talking and rushes towards the kitchen along with Nick and Rowan.

I laugh watching them run as I turn around to see Isaac in a daydream on the couch in front of me.

I crouch down just below his eyes level.
"Isaac time to eat," I say with a jumpy voice for some reason.

His gorgeous blue eyes capture mine sending my heart rate up in less then seconds.

He suddenly grabs my hand in his. They were so warm, comforting I never wanted him to let go. I was also startled. What's with this so sudden?

"Ashley," my name slips off his Tongue perfectly.

I bit down on my lip before guiding him off the couch then wiggling my hand out of his grip.

"Let's just go get some pizza," I say not even waiting for an answer as I just walk towards the kitchen.

Short chap's but hope u are like them.

The coaches daughterWhere stories live. Discover now