Day off

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I literally yawned myself out of my full off nothing dream. I got out of bed in a sluggish manner doing everything I always do after getting up.

After my long, relaxing shower I decide to get dressed in a black Botton up shirt that is sleeveless and a white thigh height skirt placing over my shirt before puffing it out a bit.

I put on socks then slipping on my black ankle boots. I plaited my hair to the right side before leaving my room along with no make up as I don't wear it occasionally.

My father is already in the kitchen sipping at his coffee while reading the newspaper.

I quickly made myself coco pops as I eat it as quick as I made it. By the time I slurp down my milk my father is already washing up his cup, when I do the same my father grabs his keys and waits for me by the door.

He opens the door for me before going out after me. We both got settled in as the drive is around twenty-five minuets. It's already 10:00 and the bell has already went. I wonder if they even notice.

"Dad what exactly are we getting?" I ask looking at him.

"Well, first of all, pepper spray," he says with a straight face.

"Why so serious?"

"Because ten boys in the same house as my daughter that doesn't have a lock on her door needs pepper spray."

"I won't pepper spray them!" I exclaim. I can't pepper spray my own teammates. Okay if they do something, maybe. I lean back in my seat. "Then why don't you just get me a lock?"

"If you want a lock, I'll get one," my father says.

I sigh giving up as my father would make me choose pepper spray or a door lock.

We finally got to the shops where my father got a door lock from Bunnings. After that we went to look for some new water bottles, soccer balls, sweat towels, pillows, blankets even mattress oh and don't forget all the food he got.

After all that.. I look for my phone until I remembered I left it in the car because it was charging.

I groan. "Dad what's the time?"

"Do you have an appointment?" My dad smiles.

I nudge his shoulder lightly, "no I just wanna know."

"It's," he looks down at his watch on his right hand. "Twelve o'clock. Wow lunch time lets go."

I follow my dad to the food court. If you haven't have noticed my father is protective but he will let me be free and he will keep out of my personal life and another thing is he is just like a best friend to me.

"Whatcha want?" My dad says to me but looking at the menu at the Mexican place.

"I'll have a chilly chicken taco," I say, knowing that it's my favourite.

I found a spot for two people, awkwardly alone, at times like these I want my phone.

After a few minutes of twiddling with my thumb trying to have a thumb wrestle on my own my father brings over two tacos giving me the one I wanted. I smiled at him gratefully before grabbing the bag my taco was in, it smells so good. Similar to chilli mustard, I just can't explain.

"Dad?" I say unwrapping my taco.

He nods. "Yes," he takes a huge bite.

"I wanna know why you didn't act serous last night about the contacts. I mean there boys," I say exaggerating the word boys.

He huffs before saying, "sometimes it's good to have boys numbers, to back you up if I'm not there. You know?"

Now I understand why he didn't delete all the contacts it was because if he wasn't answering and I was in some kind of trouble the boys would back me up. If they even notice me.

"True," is all I say before eating my taco letting the taste melt my insides.

After half an hour we were both done eating and we just looked around the shops for a bit. When we left the shops it was 3 o'clock, telling by my dads watch.

I helped get everything in the car which surprisingly had enough space in the back. Except for the few mattress that he left behind because it wouldn't fit in the trailer. After that, he dusted his hands off before saying, "let's go sweet heart."

I got in the car buckling up. As my dad sets to a slow steady drive I finally remember my phone again.

I picked it up, suddenly it started to buzz then went silent. I got curious and looked down at my phone to see around 8 messages from three people in particular; nick, Rowan and... Isaac.

I opened up nicks message first;

Your not in English! Angry emoji 😡 - 10:12
Where are you?- 11:45

I started to laugh and my father looked down at me but quickly back on the road before tuning on the radio to hear the song 'all in my head.'

I opened up rowans message to read;

Where ever you are, take me with you!- 10:37

Are you still alive?- 2:55

I couldn't help but smile, I barely know them but they act like they are my best friends.

I some what hesitated to open Isaac's. I wanted too really open it but my finger couldn't move as it hovered over the message. My eyes wouldn't dare to move away from his name, b Isaac.

I let out a long sigh, it's only a stupid message. With that I clicked it open to read it steadily not missing a word.

I see your not here today, why is that?-10:05

You missed PE, it was quite fun- 12:06

Are you okay?- 12:45

I hope your alright, why aren't you responding? did I do something- 1:12

Okay. Um see ya tonight I guess.- 3:12

The last message was only a few minutes ago so I decided to finally respond back.

Hey Isaac. I was shopping for you guys with my dad. I'm alright. I'm so sad I missed PE. You did nothing wrong I left my phone in the car, such a forgetter, right? And I will of course see you tonight, so see ya there. Oh and don't bring, pillows, blanket we have all that even ten mattresses.

After clicking send, around twenty seconds later my buzzing went off and I opened the text to read;

Wow you guys are really organised for us maybe we should just live there.

This message made me think about when we dropped Isaac off at Nicks house. Was it just a sleepover? Do they live together? Is there something else about Isaac?

Hope you like it. Sorry for the spelling you know how it is.

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