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The game was close to an ending with a tie of 7 all. With only a very short time, I thought this is my chance to make my plan in action. The problem is no ones down at my side let they should be but anyway if I do fail in not getting the ball, well the favour will be in theirs all because I left the goalie.

So far everyone was trying there best to keep the ball away from own goalie but I just hated not being in the game.

Isaac has the ball just passed half way but he looks troubled or if I should say, 'trapped' between three guys which were pushing all their weight against him. Cody's laugh can be heard Cleary from where I stood and hairs stood at attention in frustration not to knock him out.

Suddenly, the ball was powerfully kicked rolling closer to me by the opposite team. It was like fate, is this my chance or my failure waiting to happen.

My body took the answer for me as I couldn't control my instincts anymore as I rush towards the ball just like everyone else.

When I was shuffling it along the ground my name was yelled by a few people on my team, Isaac in particular which was telling me to get rid of it quickly.

I ignored him as I'm already at the halfway line and yes, it was very difficult but for some reason they are holding back.

Just then a sharp pain on my right side runs rapidly through body piecing every nerve along the way. My small figure hit a hard surface as I let out a loud groan as my head hit harshly. I look up dizzily to see Cody laughing just before Isaac tackled him to the ground and before I knew it everyone was fighting each other and the last thing I remember before passing out is a high pitch whistle which still lingers in my head.

It seemed like a dream but the pain I was in made it real. My head was thumping so much I couldn't think properly. My mouth tastes dry and of blood making my breathing all over the place. I felt like a whole different person. I can hear a beeping of a Machine making me slowly open my eyes in curiosity. The room was dull and wasn't mine by various reasons.

"Please, you's can't go in there," an unfamiliar voice speaks softly.

"Watch us," a husky voice states making me slowly turn my head in a lot of pain but can't recall what from or where I am hurt exactly.

My eyes slowly opened and closed to soon focus on a relieved father and teammates that had fresh cuts and bruises that made me worry but something in their eyes hid something, a secret.

"Guys, what happen?" I ask trying to think but all I can remember is pain and a loud whistle.

They looked at each other before nick spoke seeming to handle the situation. "You run out of goal and Cody barged you. We all got into a fright, then suddenly we noticed you closed your eyes. We brought you here... And... And," he sobs as he try's wiping his tears away that were never ending,

Everyone seemed to have tears in their eyes. "And what?" I say.

"And you have a swell in your brain. If you hit your head any harder you would have been brain damaged," my father seems to make out as he clenches his fists.

"What? What are you saying to me?" I shout looking down at all the needles in me. I grip to pull them out but someone grabs my wrists firmly.

"Stop Ashley," Isaac's worried voice says as a tear drops onto my hand. "We are saying you need to rest, bring that swelling back down."

Behind his calm voice I can sense there's something else he's hiding, there all hiding.

"How long am I gonna be in here?" I ask seeming to calm down as lay farther into my pillow. Isaac sits next to me fiddling with my fingers.

"That depends on you. Naturally two or three days. But you've already been here for a day," my father says coming closer as he rubs my hair out of my face.

"What about the game?" I ask looking around at them.

"Don't worry it's been delayed to next week with us with a penalty point," nick says smiling but begin that smile was an angry face was the only reason there not yelling at me because their trying not to swell my brain anymore.

Their acting like I'm fragile but I am a lot stronger and I can get passed this and that Cody bastard is mine, I'm gonna show him what pain really is.

"Just tell me one thing?" I look at no one in particular. "Can I still play?"

They all look at each other once more before they look at the coach for an answer.

"One step at a time but I'm sure it will be fine you always my strong girl. You've dealt with worse more things in you life," he states into my eyes as he whispers softly as I know exactly who he was talking about.

"Even after your all better. That son of a bitch is going to die for what he's done," Isaacs hands seems to tighten on mine as he look down at me with those determine eyes of his. Just what are they hiding?

Sorry for the loonnnggg wait guys.

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