The plan

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I woke up to almost everyone in the house shouting making me jolt forward shocking Isaac awake. He was about to ask what the matter was until he heard everyone calling his name as he went all nervous.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door making me trip out of bed tangled in my sheets. Isaac quickly jumps beside me asking if I was alright but I know he wouldn't be if my dad catches him in here.

"Ashley, you okay?" Nick says but I can also here Rowans voice faintly. "We're coming in."

Isaac tries to lift me up but he stumbles making me fall on top of him as we both stare at the opening door with nervous faces.

When nick and Rowan came in their jaws drop as they look at us. I thought I was screwed until they both smile making me confused.

"You finally grow some balls Isaac," Nick laughs as he high fives a laughing Rowan.

I quickly jump up followed by Isaac. "Shut up you guys," Isaac says.

"Can you's help getting Isaac away from my room unseen?" I ask preying that they will help me. I really don't want my father putting up surveillance cameras.

They look at each other before they nod and nick suggest, "out the window you go Isaac."

"Are you kidding me we're on the second story, I will break my ankle," he mentions giving them an angry face.

"Yes I'm kidding. I'll go lead everyone down stairs," nick taps Rowans shoulder exiting before turning around saying quickly. "This will only be a minute so no make out sessions." Isaac stalks towards them as they run down the hall way.

When they mention make out session I went back to the kiss last night and wondered what it would be like for a make out session if a kiss fells as amazing as it did.

I didn't realise Isaac was smiling at me properly knowing what I am thinking. I blush a bit crossing my hands over my chest.

Isaac walks over and grips my shoulders gently making tingles fly as he looks into my eyes and smiles before nipping my lips and let me say it was amazing for a little nip. "See you later, honey," he teases walking out and rushed away as I sigh glad this complication is over.

I wait a bit, a few seconds before heading down stairs as everyone is having breakfast. Nick, Rowan smile at me as Isaac does a wink making me blush looking away.

"Ready for the up coming game," my dad jumps in front of me eating a muffin.

I shrug, "if I am in goalie, then no."

My dad looks a little sad, "their only trying to protect you."

"They don't need to, I can handle myself," I state truthfully.

"I know you can sweetie," he nudges me as I lose the grumpy face and smile nudging him back.

                      Game day
( Ashley and Isaac didn't do anything)

"Ashley your in goalie again," Isaac states making me huff as I look to the other team and I have to admit they do look very rough.

Then another bus pulls up making everyone looks in its direction. When the team member started getting off they all look out way some were staring directly at me smiling and laughing which got me angry. As one dude waved and winked at me Isaac pulls me behind him as everyone else gets in front of me.

I stare through the gaps as the another team stalks closer. Once they got here a husky guys voice says, "you shouldn't keep a stunning girl like that all to yourself."

I look around searching for my father but he was nowhere to be seen.

This guys try's reaching out towards me but they all start to fight with him pushing him back as Isaac shouts, "keep away from her Cody!"

My eyes widen before looking through the gap again. So this shady looking guy is Cody.

"You've gone so low your bringing a girl in," he says getting me angry as I squeeze through my team facing Cody.

"And I am surprised a girl like you can actually play, or can you?" I ask as everyone on my team seems shock but saying 'ohh' and 'burn'.

"Did they tell you that I won against them?" Cody try's to impress me but I hate how he is trying to make my team look bad.

"Won what? The stupidest girl award," I say as some of my team and his laugh as Cody looks offended by my comment.

"We'll see whose better on the field, sweetheart," he says laughing like my comment is a joke but his face shows a different story.

"Watch your back, princess. Your dress might just get torn," I say stepping daring close to him until my father comes in between him from stepping closer to me.

"Get away from my team and over to your side, now!" He shouts point at Cody's bench.

He gives me a death glare before stomping off. When I turn to my team Isaac has he jaw clench as the others have worried expressions on their faces.

"What?" I ask shrugging walking up to them shrugging.

"You are staying in goalie both games, understand," he orders.

"That goal is a kill zone," I try to reason gesture to the goal box.

He look over at Cody who stare right back before Isaac stares at me as he walks forwards as he grips my shoulders as my dad some cough and I give him a serous look as he backs off but keeps an eye on us.

"When Cody is playing you don't want to be on the field," he states having worried in his eyes. "If we had more players I would even sit you out for that game."

"Because I am a girl?" I exclaim.

Isaac leans into my ear as my dad flinches but stays where he is giving me a look as I keep my serous look on him telling him I am fine.

Isaac silently whispers in my ear, "because your my girl." My heart rate went faster and he continues, "and you mean a lot to everyone else."

He pulls back and says, "so that's why your going to stay in the goalie."

I nod but I didn't mean it. I don't care how rough it is they need me, Isaac even said it himself last night that he though he had a chance when I came and I am not going to let them down right now or ever.

I just have to figure out how to get onto the field and out of the goalie without going through Isaac. But I do understand if he finds me out side the goalie he will pull me back in even if it means losing the game so I have to do it last minutes but I did to do it on the last game which will be against cody's team because if I do it at the last of the first game I am permanently screwed as the team knows my plan and won't fail a second time of keeping me in the goal.

I sigh before the referee announced that the first game is started making everyone on my team look at me like they can see my plans right through me because of how nervous I am.

I took a deep breath before running to the goalie putting on my gear as I wait for the whistle to blow which soon does letting the game begin but in my case, letting the plan begin.

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