Bring it (within 28 hours)

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We were already heading to the grounds as my palms were sweating as if I soaked them in water. I glance around the bus to see everyone looking quite 'chill' as I would call it.
Rowan and Nick were fighting as usual, seems as thou they got back on a friendly bases after what happened the other day between Rowan and I. To be honest I am just glad my dad didn't find out. Jet is calmly glaring out the window listening to music as Jake plays on his phone next to him. Issac squeezes my hand making me look directly into his eyes before smiling widely.

I wasn't exactly ready to vs Cody's team again but who would be after getting a knocked out? I'm determine to beat the crap out of them but I already know they won't go down that easy. That's why I'm lucky to have this team, a team with so much bravery and loyalty is a hard team to leave behind, and I believe its too late.

The bus pulls to a stop before I even noticed we were there. Everyone straightened in there seats before gathering there stuff.

"Listen up," Coach stands from his seat before clapping his hands gaining everyone's attention. "Last game of the season. In this game we can lose everything that's why I need all of you to play hard, harder than you every have. Now, when we get off this bus everyone," he stares around the bus, "to go directly to our designated location, no Tilly tagging behind. I want everyone's asses off this bus!"

As everyone begun to march across the field everyone had their eyes on the opposite team as the were already doing warm ups. Cody sensed our glare are he locks his eyes with mine but I didn't dare look away as I gave him a blunt stare.

We all drop our stuff on the side lines before gearing up. "We've got 20 minutes until the game starts so put that time into good use."

The team begun with stretches before getting in ball passes which some were a little off but we could make it work.
The warm up went for about 15 minutes before we stop to have a break before the big game that will decide it all.

My father taps me on the shoulder before asking to speak to me in private. I see everyone's curiosity but kept walking. Once we were a few metres away he started to speak, "I know you like someone here and it seems like your getting along but I'm a coach, we have to move after my contracts up."

I was speechless, I know about the move but bringing this up again. "Is there a way to make us stay."

"There's a possibility, but it all depends on who calls me first." My father reply's.

I couldn't make him change his mind even if I tried. All I can hope for is that possibility of staying here.

The whistle blows to get ready for the first quarter as the guys started to form a line to enter. I gave my dad one last pleading look before rushing down to the guys as some of them pat my head before Issac places my in front of him which is first. I'll be leading the team in?
I look behind me to see them all focused and smiling before a whistle blew again. My legs begin to automatically run even if I would never expect this moment. I've done this with my old team but normally captains run the team out. Since it was a penalty last time it's one to our favour and then we hold the ball.

"Ashley, left, first row," Issac orders as I obey.

I watch as Cody in the centre orders out his team viciously. I close my eyes for a second. "You alright?" I face Issacs worried face.

I nod, "I'm good."
He nods back before giving me a wink making me heart beat quicker.

The whistle blew for the game to start as Issac does a massive kick off. Everyone runs forwards
Except for the defenders which covered for the goal.
Jet slid for the ball between the offenders feet but misses by just an inch. Jet quickly jumps to his feet before charging back after him. The ball was getter closer and closer to the goal but I keep moving back. Was I scared?

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