Chapter Two

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"Now, do you have everything?" Agent Freeman asks. I check to see how many bags I have.

"Yes sir, I do. I'm taking the private jet, right?" I ask.

"Yes, and I'm going to text you the directions once you land," he assures me. "I have one more bag for you."

"What's in it?" I ask as he hands it to me.

"Some gear that you'll need. Earwig for your phone, handguns with magazines, your laptop with a flashdrive that gives you basic information about the boys, although you probably already know everything about them since you've watcched almost every interview," he laughs.

"You know it," I joke.

"Okay, since you're eighteen, we're going to say that you're a senior because Riley is a senior, and he's eighteen," Agent Freeman explains.

"How about we say that I turn eighteen in October because it wouldn't make sense for me to be eighteen and be living with them," I say.

"What's wrong with moving in with somebody at eighteen?" he asks.

"Um, they'll get suspicious as to why I'm moving in with them when I'm a legal adult," I explain.

"Fine, I'll send a license to you. I'll change your birth information when I get back to the agency," he tells me.

"My bike will be there when I arrive, right?" I ask.

He nods. "Yup. Mrs. McDonough told me it arrived this morning, and so far, Toby has set the alarm off three times." I shake my head and chuckle to myself.

"Of course he did. I don't blame him, though. It's a sweet motorcycle," I comment.

"Yes, yes it is. Alright, you have to go. She wants you to arrive as soon as possible." I nod and give him a hug before walking out and boarding the jet. The workers take care of my bags, and soon, we're off.

*     *     *

I stretch my legs before getting off the jet. I grab my bags from the workers and thank them before going through security. Apparently, Agent Freeman called and told them that I was coming, so I went through without any problems on the bag of guns.

I get a taxi to drive me to the McDonough house, and the driver tries to talk to me, but he's talking about how bad other taxi drivers are when he's taken three turns without any signal. I put in my earwig and check my phone to make sure that it's working. I test it with pushing buttons as if I'm going to call somebody, and it beeps.

We arrive at the house, and I see the boys run out. I hand the driver my money.

"Here's your change," he says, starting to hand it back, but I stop him.

"Keep it. Use it to take a class on how to use turn signals, and then you'll have the right to diss the other drivers," I say. He stares at me dumbfounded before putting it in his pocket. I get out and grab my bags from the trunk before the taxi disappears down the road. I turn to see the three brothers gawking at me.

"Nice to finally meet you guys," I say, starting to walk towards them, but I drop a couple of bags. Connor immediately runs over and grabs them for me. "Thanks."

"No problem," he says. I look back at Toby and Riley, who are still staring at me with their jaws dropped.

"What's their problem?" I whisper.

"Oh, well, we were just expecting another guy because of the motorcycle," he mumbles, looking down at the ground in shame.

"Don't worry. It happens a lot," I lie. I've never gone undercover like this, so it's never happened.

We walk inside, and I can feel their eyes on me. "Boys, I would really appreciate it if you didn't stare at my ass."

Mrs. McDonough walks in and sees me. "Oh, Emily! You're here! Please tell Toby to stop touching your bike. That alarm is very loud."

"Toby, stop touching my bike. I know it's awesome, but if the alarm goes off once, what makes you think it's not going to go off two more times?" I ask him. He blushes and looks at his feet.

"Connor, can you please show her to her room?" she asks.

"Absolutely," he says,  and he starts to walk away with me close on his heels. We walk in silence before he breaks it. "So, our mother never told us why you're living with us."

"My mother died, and my father passed away when I was a baby," I say.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"It's fine. It's not your fault, and you didn't know," I assure him.

He walks into a room with light blue walls and matching blue sheets on the bed. There's a white desk in the corner of the room, and a TV across from the bed. A bathroom is connected to the room, and it has a window seat. Ooh, she's good.

"Here you go. The luxury suite," he says, and he places the bags on the bed. I do the same and turn around, bumping into him.

"Sorry," I say. He chuckles and leaves, shaking his head.

I open a bag, revealing my bike helmet. I slip on my leather jacket and combat boots before going downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Mrs. McDonough, is it alright if I take my bike for a ride? I missed my baby," I say. She laughs and nods.

"Absolutely, but when you get back, we need to talk," she says. I nod and start to walk towards the front door when Toby stops me.

"Can I go with you?" he asks with hopeful eyes.

I shake my head. "Not today, buddy, but maybe when we get to know each other more, and when I get an extra helmet."

I walk out the door and up to my 2013 Hayabusa Limited Edition motorcycle. I put the helmet on my head before turning on the bike. I back out of the driveway and speed off, the house becoming a speck behind me.

A/N: So, here's chapter two! The picture on the side is of the bike. Please vote, comment, and share! Love you lots! -Emily

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