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It's been about two years since I've been out of the hospital. I'm back at work in D.C., and Connor's back to being in the band and everything. He stayed by my side the whole time I was in the hospital, teaching me how to walk again. Since I was out for so long, my brain forgot how to tell my nerves in my legs to move. It was pretty interesting.

Riley and Kristen broke up, but then they got back together because they realized that they couldn't live without each other. Toby and Celsie have been together the whole time, and Toby even brought her on a summer tour. We all still stay in contact, but since I'm in a different part of the country, it's harder to since I'm working on cases while they're free, and when I'm free, they're either at school or asleep.

Ethan's on my team now, which makes me insanely happy. He decided that he liked working in our division better than down in Florida. He and I hang out every day, working out and going out on lunch dates, even though we're not dating. He's been dating this girl from another team, and they're absolutely adorable for each other.

Connor and I chat every day, whether it's for a few minutes or a few hours. I haven't physically seen him since I went back to work, which was a year and a half ago. It's a challenge, but it's something definitely worth fighting for. I love him, and that's all that matters.

*     *     *

I kick the dummy a few times before knocking it down. My trainer picks it back up and holds onto it. I'm still working on my muscles in my right shoulder, so doing this helps with it.

After a few more minutes, I decide to take a break. I turn around and pick up my water bottle before closing my eyes and chugging it. When I open my eyes again, I see familiar blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes that I fell in love with two and a half years ago. I yelp (you know, the sound a girl makes when she fangirls, but it's not crazy fangirling. Yelp right now, and you know the sound) and run towards him. He picks me up and spins me around while I cling onto him. He sets me down and kisses me, holding it for about ten seconds before pulling away.

"What the hell are you doing here?! I thought you were on tour!" I exclaim.

"I stop in D.C. today, so I thought that for a day off, I visit my favorite girl in the whole world," he says with his cheesy grin. "Is NIKE paying you to be a sponsor?"

"What?" I look down at my workout outfit and laugh. "No, I just like their clothing the best."

He starts to sweat a little and fidget, so I put my hand on his arm. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Um, I just need to ask you something very important." He takes both of my hands, which are still wearing the kickboxing gloves, in his, and he looks straight into my eyes.

"You and I have been together for three, and it's been amazing. At first, you were an undercover agent in my house, but then we became friends, and finally, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. When you got shot, I felt like I did, too. I stayed by your side the whole time you were in the hospital, and I don't regret it at all. I love you, and I always will. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, which brings me to my question." He gets down on one knee and pulls out a velvet box before opening it, revealing the biggest diamond I've ever seen.

"Agent Emily Rose Woodhams, will you please do the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks.

"Only if you get me a way less expensive ring," I say.

"Deal." He then takes out a ring from him pocket, which I'm guessing was his test, and he takes off my left glove before slipping the ring onto my finger. I kiss him and hug him, and he lifts me from the ground as everybody claps.

I'm going to be Mrs. Connor McDonough.

A/N: I'm the worst person ever. I lost complete motivation for this story, which sucks because I loved writing the whole thing. I made an epilogue because there is NO WAY that I was going to write a whole sequel. I am so sorry, but thank you so much for reading my story! I love you all, and thank you thank you THANK YOU for the 30k reads! I love you!


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