Chapter Thirty

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Pain. That's all I feel. Screaming. That's all I hear. White. That's all I see.

"Stay with me."

*Eight Hours Earlier*

I wake up next to Toby. His mouth is wide open as he snores loudly. I pull away and notice that we're not alone in the room.

"Celsie, it's not-"

"Em, it's fine. He told me about the fight last night," she says with a sad smile.

Last night, Connor and I got into a fight about my safety after what happened at the party a couple of weeks ago. He was mad that I would just risk my life like that. It's my job. That's what I do.

Long story short, the argument resulted in a door slamming in my face. Riley and Kristen were working things out, so I went to Toby. I cried myself to sleep while he comforted me.

"I'm going to go get a shower," I say.

As I close Toby's door, Connor's opens. He sees me and pulls me into the biggest hug you could ever imagine.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just glad you're here now. Please forgive me," he rambles. I cover his mouth with my hand and look into his eyes.

"It's okay. Just shut up. It's too early," I groan. He nods and goes downstairs.

*4 Hours Earlier*

"Connor, if you really want that equipment, then I suggest you get your butt down here right now!" I call up the stairs.

He runs down the stairs and picks me up, spinning me around. I let out a loud laugh, and he sets me down before kissing me quickly.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"I don't know. I'm just happy that we're not fighting anymore," he says with a shrug. I hand him Toby's helmet, and he looks at me in confusion.

"He said you could use it since he's hanging with Celsie all day," I say with a wink. He smiles and walks outside, taking my backpack from me.

We climb onto my bike, and soon, we're sailing down the highway. His arms tighten around my waist, and his heartbeat quickens. I realize that he hasn't ridden my bike with me before. I glance back at him and see the huge smile spread across his face. I look back at the road and continue our journey to Guitar Center.

I pull into a parking spot and shut off the engine before getting off. I take off my helmet and put it in the backpack before turning to Connor and taking his helmet off. His hair is messed up, so I ruffle it to fix it, chuckling to myself.

*Three Hours Earlier*

As we leave, I notice that there are a few guys hanging around the exit. Connor grabs my hand and puts my helmet on my head before doing the same to himself. I notice the holster on one of the men, and I run to the bike, dragging Connor along. Guns fire, hitting numerous cars.

"Hang on!" I shout over the motor, and I race out of the parking lot, barely missing the bullets.

We pull into a Starbucks, and then we run inside. Connor sits down while I order our drinks. They seem to already have them done (since we come here at this time every day) so I sit down across from him and give him his drink.

"Were you hit at all?" I ask, searching him for any blood.

"No, you?"

"No. We can't tell your mother about this."

"Agreed. It will end up on the news, but let's just say that we were gone by then."

"What about the footage?"

"You're an FBI agent. Can't you get rid of that?"

I sigh. "Not neccessarily. I have to have a warrant, and that could take days to receive. This, however, will be on the news tonight."

He groans and sits back in the seat. "Is this what you deal with every day?" I nod my head and take a sip. "That sucks."

"It does sometimes, but after seeing what happened, do you see why this is my job?" I ask him. He nods.

"You saved my life. If you weren't here, I would be in the middle of that parking lot, bleeding to death. Thank you." I smile and lean over the table to kiss his cheek.

*5 Minutes Earlier*

We arrive at the mall, and all the boys jump out before I can even cut the engine. I laugh at their eagerness and lock the car before putting the keys in my pocket. Connor takes my hand, and we all walk in.

"Alright, so what are we here for again?" I ask. They all look at each with mischievous smiles.

"You'll see," they all say. I stare at them before my ear wig starts to ring. I touch it and continue walking.

"What's up, Freeman?" I ask. I hear a gun load behind me. I turn around and freeze.

"I found out who was in the car! I should've known sooner!" he exclaims.

"It's Jake," I say, finishing what he's telling me.

"Hello, Emily. It's so nice to see you again." I take my eyes off of the gun pointed at me and look at him. I gently push the boys back, and they step away.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"God, I was really hoping you would be smarter. This is why I need to be the leader of the team." I still don't say anything, so he sighs. "They're not the target. It's you."

"What?" I ask.

"Did I fucking stutter? YOU'RE THE TARGET. It was you all along. You see, I knew Aaron would pick you over me because he has a soft spot for you. He believes you're the strongest on the team, but from what I've seen, you're actually the weakest. Getting close to the person you're trying to protect, ending up becoming his girlfriend, focusing on grades that don't matter? You should know that the main priority is keeping the victims safe, and all you did was lead them into danger. You're not cut out to be in the FBI at all. You should be on the streets, begging for money," he spats moving the gun around as he explains this.

"Why would you do this?"

"Isn't it obvious? I don't like you. I despise you. All you did was make my life a living hell. You embarrassed me in front of every agent in that building. You made me look like a fool."

"Jake, I was only-"

"Only what? Only doing your job? Only defending yourself? Bullshit. All you wanted to do was one-up me, and look what happened. Now you're being held at gunpoint by one of your own guinea pigs. How does it feel? How does it feel to be humiliated in front of your friends? It doesn't feel good, right?" I slowly reach for my gun, and suddenly, pain shoots through my right shoulder and my torso. Screams ring throughout the building, and people run past. He turns around, but before he can leave, I manage to get my gun out and shoot him in the back of the head.

"EMILY!" I hear the brothers scream. I almost forgot they were there. They run over and start to freak out.

"Put...pressure...wounds," I manage to get out. Connor and Toby do that while Riley takes out my phone. He quickly calls the police, and then he calls Agent Freeman.

"Agent Freeman, she's bleeding badly," I hear him say over the screams. He gets up and paces back and forth. My vision starts to blur as I lose a great amount of blood.

"Stay with me. Emily, stay with me," Connor mumbles.

"Connor..." I whisper, my eyes starting to close.

"Emily, I love you. So much. Please, stay with me," I manage to hear him say before everything turns white, and I can't hear anymore.

A/N: BOOM. Yeah, I did that. That's been my plan since the beginning. There's much more to come, so stay tuned! Please vote, and PLEASE COMMENT! You guys seem to only comment when I ask you to. I love your feedback, and I really don't like asking all the time, so please do it, even if I don't ask you. Love you so much! -Emily

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