Chapter Thirty-Four

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I walk into the hospital room the next day only to be led back out.

"What's going on?" I ask the doctor.

"We're running some tests, so you need to stay out here," he tells me, and he goes back in, shutting the door behind him. I sigh and sit on the ground, leaning against the wall.

What could they be running tests for? Is she in a coma? Does she not remember anything? If she doesn't remember anything, she won't remember any of us. If she doesn't remember any of us, then she might think that she's under arrest since the FBI will be visiting her.

While I'm going through these sceniarios in my head, the doctor comes out with his clipboard. I stand up quickly and look at him.

"Everything's okay. She's still asleep, but she's not in a coma. She'll be fine." I sigh with relief and check the time on my phone. 8:05

"Yeah, you're here pretty early. Boyfriend, I guess," he says. I nod. "Well, she's got a keeper. I've never seen a boyfriend so young get here this early."

"I'm almost twenty," I state.

"Exactly. Most twenty year olds are in bed, but you're different," he says with a smile.

"Well, she's special to me." His pager beeps, and he excuses himself before running down the hallway.

When I enter her room, the rest of the nurses leave, leaving me alone with her. I pull up a chair and take her hand in mine, studying her face. Some color is back, but she's still pretty pale. Her bandages haven't been changed yet, so more blood has seeped through. You would think that they would change it as soon as possible, but they must be waiting until she wakes up.

My phone vibrates, so I check to see a text from my dad, wondering where I am. I quickly tell him that I'm at the hospital before I turn it off. I'm not supposed to have it on.

I play with her fingers, and then I start to trace the lines on her hands. I don't even notice the nurse walk in until she tells me that I need to leave while they finish running their tests. I nod and decide to go down to the cafeteria since I haven't eaten in over twenty-four hours.

As I start heading down the hall to the elevator, I can't help but worry. What will happen while I'm gone? Will anything? So many questions run through my head, making me forget what's going on around me. I almost walk into the elevator doors, but thank the lord, they open before I do so.

I finally make it to the cafeteria and decide to get a coffee and muffin before sitting down. I slowly eat, not feeling as hungry as I thought I did. The coffee is okay, but obviously won't top Starbucks, especially since it's hospital coffee.

While I'm eating, I watch a few nurses walk in, probably on breakfast break from working overnight. One looks around, and then they spot the nurse that's sitting at the table in front of me. She walks over with a smile on her face, but she passes the table and walks up to me.

"You're Connor, right?" she asks. I nod slowly. "She was right. All I had to do was look for beautiful blue eyes."

"Who said that?" I ask, completely ignoring the weird comment.

"Emily. She's awake, and she's been asking for you."

*     *     *

Saying that I ran to her room is an understatement. I sprinted like my life depended on it, and in a way, it did. Doctors and nurses told me to slow down, but I ignored them and took the stairs three at a times since the elevator takes too long.

Bursting through the door to her room, I pant and stare at her, her teal eyes staring back. I speed-walk over to her and hug her as tight as I can without hurting her. I feel the tears run down my cheeks once again, but they're different. These are tears of joy.

When I pull away, I grab her face and kiss her. The heart monitor starts to race as she kisses back, and I hear nurses start to rush in, but they stop and start to go "aw" when they see what's going on. I rest my forehead against hers and look into those eyes that I love.

"I"m so glad you're okay," I whisper, smiling.

"I am, too," she whispers back.

"I love you," I tell her. Her face lights up, and she kisses me once again.

"I love you, too."

A/N: AW, SHE'S (I'M) OKAY!!! Did you guys really think I would kill myself off? Please, if I wanted to do that, I would've done it completely different.

So, um...10K READS?! OMG! I've never had this many reads! I'm pretty sure Letter to the Dead is close, though ;)


Don't kill me, Kendall.


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