Chapter Five

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I wake up the next morning to Tank licking my face. I open my eyes and smile before wrapping my arms around him.

"Well, look what we have here," I say with a smile. His tail starts to wag. "Are you hungry?"

He barks, his tail still wagging. His mouth is slightly open, and it looks like he's smiling. I sit up, and he jumps off of me, spinning around and looking up at me. I get out of bed slowly and walk downstairs. Toby's sitting at the counter, eating a bowl of cereal.

"This little guy is hungry," I tell him, picking up Tank and holding him in my arms.

"I bet he is," he says, scooping Lucky Charms into his mouth.

"Ooh, we have Lucky Charms?!" I squeal. I haven't had Lucky Charms since I joined the FBI.

"Left cabinet over the coffee machine," he tells me. I put Tank down and pull out the cereal box. I then find a bow (without Toby's help, in case you were wondering), and then I get a spoon.

"So, when does school start?" I ask.

"A month ago," he states. I almost spit out my cereal,

"I almost forgot that you guys start in August. Harvest, right?" He nods.

"Yeah, but it's weird because not all of us harvest."

"No, but it wouldn't be fair to the kids who do to miss all of that school work," I reason.

We eat in silence, and Tank sits, waiting for his breakfast. "Does Tank usually get food in the morning?"

"Yeah, but we ran out of it last night when we gave him dinner," he tells me. I smile.

"How about we go and pick some up after breakfast in my car?"

*     *     *

"This is literally the coolest car ever!" Toby exclaims as we speed down the highway to the store. I talked to Mrs. McDonough before we left.

"That's why I bought it!" I say.

"What CD do you have in?" he asks. I hit the "CD" button, and Holding On To You by Twenty One Pilots blares through the speakers.

I'm taking over my body, back in control, no more shotty,
I bet a lot of me was lost, 't's uncrossed and 'I's undotted,
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot like flesh is all I got,
Not anymore, flesh out the door, swat,
I must've forgot, you can't trust me,
I'm open a moment and close when you show it,
Before you know it I'm lost at sea,
And now that I write and think about it,
And the story unfolds,
You should take my life, you should take my soul.

"You like these guys?!" he asks with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"More like LOVE!"

We sing/rap along with the song, and by the time we've reached the store, we're bouncing around, having fun. I turn the music down before killing the engine, and Toby looks over at me, his brown eyes shining with happiness.

"You are literally the coolest person I know," he says.

"Aw, thanks Tobes! Wait, I can call you that, right?" I ask.

"Absolutely! You deserve it," he says.

We get out, and I lock it before walking towards the store. I hear Toby following behind, and soon, we're in sync. I pull my leather jacket with the sweatshirt hood a little closer. Toby's wearing something like it, but mine is bomber jacket style. (A/N: His is on the side) 

"So, what do you usually get for his food?" I ask.

"Purina One."

i walk down the animal aisle and look for the brand. I find it and glance at him. He picks up a bag, and we walk towards the register.

"Wait, do you want anything?" I ask.

"Can I get some gatorade?" he asks.

"Of course. What flavor? I'll run and get it," I offer.

"The yellow one. I can't remember the name of it," he says.

I find the water aisle and pick it up. I then pick up a dragonfruit vitamin water and meet him by the register. I give the cashier the drinks, and then he scans the dog food. I take my money out and pay him.

"Here's your change, and here's your receipt," he says, handing them to me, but I only take the change.

"Keep the receipt," I say, and we walk away with our things.

"Why didn't you take the receipt?" Toby asks once we're outside.

"While he thought we weren't looking, he wrote his number down. Either he was gay, which I doubt since all he could do was stare at my chest, or he was another horny teenager that thought he could get inside my pants. Well, little does he know that my belt is like a rubix cube," I say, and he laughs. He starts to open the trunk of my car.

"Toby, wait!" I shout, but it's too late. He stares at the guns that I have in the back and then turns to me.

"I can explain everything," I say. He nods and gestures for me to continue. I sigh and throw everything in the trunk before slamming it shut and getting into the driver's seat. He climbs into the passenger seat, and I speed out of the parking lot.

"Emily, where are we going?! Wait, is that even your real name?!"

"Toby, just shut up for two seconds! Wait until we get back to the house," I say. He nods, and we drive in silence.

When we pull into the driveway, I grab everything out of the trunk and bring it inside. I notice that everybody is gone, so I quickly feed Tank before dragging Toby upstairs into my room. I check the entire house before going back and closing the door, locking it behind me.

"Oh God, I'm not going to die, am I?" he asks.

"Oh, shut up. You'll be fine, as long as you don't tell your brothers or your father. You mother already "

"Knows what?!" I sigh and pull out the bag from under my bed. I open the side pocket and pull out the ID. I hand it to Toby and push the bag back under.

"Emily Woodhams is my actual name. I'm an FBI agent, and I have been for four years. Those movies that you see of kid agents, they're not lying. I've been in it since my father died in a shootout on duty. My mother died when I was five, but I needed an excuse to live here. Your mother never knew my parents. She hired me to go undercover because she thinks you and your brothers are in danger," I explain quickly. He tosses my ID on the bed.

"I don't believe you," he says. I punch his stomach, making him double over, and then I flip him, making him slam onto his back. I pin him down, a knee on each side of his waist.

"Do you believe me now?" I ask. He nods, and I smile before kissing him quickly.

"What was the kiss for?" he asks as I stand up.

I shrug. "I thought you deserved it after I just whooped your ass in five seconds."

"I didn't think I deserved it since I screamed at you, but if you think so, that's okay," he says. I laugh and shove his shoulder lightly before growing serious.

"You can't tell anybody about this, okay? If it gets out, my cover could be blown, and all of us could be killed if your mother's suspicions are right, which I believe they are," I tell him. He nods and salutes me.

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. It's usually Riley that tells secrets easily," he comments. I take my gun out of the holster on my hip and put it in the nightstand. "Whoa, you took that with you?!"

"Yeah, I have to when we go out. Who knows how public somebody will take this?"

"True. Hey, wanna join us for movie night tonight? You and I could snuggle," he says with hope-filled eyes. I chuckle and nod.

"Of course, but you shall be warned, I get violent when I'm scared, so no scary movies."

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