The Plan

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"I may have attracted to this person...and she was beautiful.." Mike said. (Just to tell you, Jess's appearance is brunette hair, clear skin and blue eyes.) "How'd she look like?" Jess asked. "Well...*gulp* she had..brunette hair, clear skin and blue eyes...okay?" Mike responded. Mike's admirer....had the same appearance as Jess!

"U-Um..really?!" Jess said. "Yeah...I started falling for her two days ago..." Mike said.  'Two days ago? Two days ago is when we 7:39...I need more information.' Jess thought. "What time..?" Jess said. "Uh..7:39?" Mike said.  Jess gasped. "But it's not you though." Mike said. "Where did this happen? This whole love thing?" Jess asked. "" Mike answered. Jess wide her eyes big. "Is something wrong?" Mike asked. "N-No...I just...gotta go!" Jess said as she started running away quickly. 

"WAIT! JESS! STOP!" Mike yelled. 'It couldn't be..must he had a crush on me? Why can't he tell me that though? He's scared isn't he? But we're best will change everything...but I have to know if he really is talking about me.' Jess thought. 

Later in the day, Jess was brave enough to do the science project at his house today. So, when Jess arrived at Mike's house she ringed the doorbell.  Mike opened the door and said "J-Jess?" "Hey Mike. Just came here to do the science project." Jess said. "May I come in?" Jess asked politely. "Sure. I need to talk to you though." Mike replied. "I don't wanna hear about what happened earlier today okay? If you do I will leave." Jess said. "Hm, about earlier-" Mike was cut off by Jess saying "That's it, i'm leaving." Jess said as she stood up making her way to the front door. But her hand was grabbed and she was pulled on the couch.

"I can't let you leave yet Jess." Mike said while his face got redder and redder. "W-What? I want to leave! I'm not comfortable hearing this!" Jess yelled. "No, you're not leaving now." Mike said.  "W-Why?!" Jess said nervously. "Just shush...don't worry." Mike responded. "I know why you're all freaked's not you..I promise." Mike said. Jess was starting to calm down. "We're gonna be best friends for our whole lives, okay? Don't get too worked up." Mike said.

After they did the project, Jess was walking home thinking about things. 'I don't believe him...I know he's lying. But he won't admit it that he likes me...and by the word "promise" I don't think he was right about that one. I need a plan to tell me the real truth. But how..?' Jess thought. When she arrived at home her mom said "Welcome home J! I made dinner for you so go wash your hands." After Jess washed her hands, her mom noticed that while she was eating Jess looked a little pale. "J? You okay? You look a little upset. Is something wrong?" Jess mom asked. "'s Mike. He's not telling the truth to me. Best friends tell each other secrets....right? So, why can't he tell me his?" Jess replied. "Well, I can help. I'm a GREAT actress. I played the role of "Jackie" in "Love is a road.". I can help!" Jess mom said.

"Hm..*smiles* sure. You can help. Just do what I say okay?" Jess said.  

After they got Jess's mom a disguise,  Jess said "Okay, remember, Mike is always out at midnight to right poetry okay? That's when you come in. Ask him questions okay? Questions that will lead to the answer that I need. Got it?" "Yes ma'm!" Jess mom smiled. 

It was 11:48, they both started walking out to Mike's house. "This Plan is going to work right?" Jess asked. "Of course J! Besides, this plan will move you to the next chapter of your life."

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