I'm just trying to help you.

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After the day Mike met Jess again, Jess was having a hard time to get Mike and Jack get along. Or else she'll have a hard time just like of what happened in Wisconsin. And she wished to never think of what happened there, ever again. Ever.

Jess P.O.V

Why did that hug effect his feelings? I only did that for an apology, but I guess I shouldn't have never done that.  But now, let's not make those mistakes again. This place is my new home, and they welcomed me here. So I should keep this place filled with good memories. Even if...I don't want Mike anymore.

Mike is making all of these bad memories, and I try to make them good but instead they go worser and worser. I just hate it. But now, since Mike is here...I shouldn't go hard on him. But how will I tell him my feelings? If I tell him, then...this place could probably be my last good memory.

But now, I should keep off the bad thoughts for now. 

My alarm clock started making all of the annoying noise so, I destroyed it.  I got dressed for school and made sure I packed everything for school. And I did, so I left the house walking to school. Then I saw Mike, I tried to act natural but it seemed hard.

"Jess!" Mike shouted. I turned behind me and saw Mike running over to me. "Hey, how ya doin'?" Mike asked. "Good." I said in a weird tune. "Okay look I know-" "Sh, let's not talk about that right now. I'm still angry of what you did back in Wisconsin. And i'm not gonna forgive you for doing that so will you stop talking to me from now on?" I asked.  "No ma'm. I came here for a reason Jess. I am seriously sorry of what I did back in Wisconsin. I guess I was a little crazy over you." Mike said. "A little crazy? You were REALLY crazy back there! Mike, I was finally with the love of my life and now they're gone. And that was all of your fault Mike." I said.

"I know but...you called me your "best friend". I thought you didn't want to be my best friend anymore." Mike said. "I only did that because I was just trying to help you." "Help me with what?" "Not trying to reveal your other side!" I replied. "Well thank you but I got it covered. Look Jess, I came here for a reason. I'm pretty sure you know what i'm talking about." Mike said. "But I don't want us to be together. After of what happened back in our old school, do you really expect me to forgive you and be with you?" I said. Mike was sort of saying a "yes". 

"Really Mike?" I said as I was walking away from him. Then I felt a hard grab by my arm and it was Mike, obviously.  "Mike!" I yelled as Mike pulled me closer to him. "Jess, I love you.  I know you won't forgive me of what I did. And what I did was horribly wrong. And i'm truly sorry for that but..I can't help my feelings but be with you..." "Mike..I-" I was cut off by Mike's lips. Oh god, please Mike! As I said, stop falling for me or i'll fall for you!

Then Mike pulled away from me. 

I guess I have to give him a chance.

"Okay, i'll give you a chance but this doesn't mean we're a couple. And don't even try to kill Jack too." I said. Mike smiled. "I won't." he said as he kissed me on the cheek and walked away. This isn't Mike at all. But...I think i'm changing too.

At lunch, I grabbed my lunch and sat down on a empty table. Then I saw Mike come to the table I was sitting at, my stomach was filled with butterflies. "Hey beautiful." Mike said. By those words of what Mike said, did make me blush. "D-Don't say that...remember. We're not a couple." I said. "I know...I just want to compliment you." Mike replied.

"Well, I don't feel comfortable of you complimenting me.." I said. "Well...I can compliment you if I want to." Mike responded. I looked away and saw Jack coming towards us. Oh boy...! "Jack's coming!" I whispered. Mike looked back and saw Jack coming over to us smiling. "Hey Jess! Mike!" Jack said as he was sitting next to me.

Mike glared at Jack and went over to me and asked me to "Hey, uh can you scoot over a little bit?". I moved a little bit and Mike and Jack was sitting next to me. I do NOT feel comfortable about this.

Third P.O.V

Jess was sitting next to Jack and Mike....things are going to get funky. Not like funky funky...you know what I mean right? Whatever,  "So, Jess. Did you hear about the New Year's Eve Dance?" Jack asked.  "New Year's Eve Dance?" Mike asked. "Yeah, every year we have a New Year's Dance. There's going to be a lot of mistletoes!" Jack said. Jess looked down in some despair. "You..you alright?" Jack asked. "Yeah...i'm good. I'm not gonna go to the dance." Jess said. "Why not?" Jack asked.

"I just don't like mistletoes. They give me the worst feeling." Jess said. Mike looked down in shame. "It's okay. That feeling should have passed....days ago." Mike said. "I-I'm gonna go.." Jess said as she picked up her tray. "Jess?" Jack said but Jess ignored him. Jess was crying.

After Jess dumped out her tray, she went to the hallway and decided to let her feelings out there. Back in Mike's time...."I-I'm gonna find Jess. You wait here." Mike said and left Jack alone at the empty table. Mike looked around for Jess and got worried. Then Mike saw Jess in the hallway, curled up in a ball.

"J-Jess?" Mike said as he ran up to Jess and sat next to her on the floor.  "Are you okay?" Mike asked. "What do you think Mike?"  Jess said in a stammering voice. Jess picked up her head showing off, her red face.

"Why...why are you crying?" Mike asked.  "BECAUSE OF THAT MISTLETOE!" Jess yelled as she stood up. "That...that mistletoe! It started this whole thing! But...it was still your fault...! Mike...my whole wish that I wanted to be with is the Mike that is so kind and sweet...but you...you killed him! Me and that Mike had the same personality, same things in common! But now, we're different. So, how can I live with the Mike that is so over protective and so violent?" Jess said in a angry voice. "J-Jess I-" "No! Mike, I can't take another chance to spent my whole life with you!" Jess shouted. "Jess please calm down-" "No. No...I can't live on like this...which is why....which is why i'm gonna start today!" Jess said. Mike stood up in confusion and asked "Start what?" .

"I-I'm...I'm gonna kill myself today.." Jess said. And these words...made Mike go even more crazier.  "J-JESS?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Mike said as he grabbed Jess's arms hard. "Let me do this..." Jess said and she freed herself and ran out of the school.

Mike ran after her as fast as he can. "JESS!!STOP PLEASE!!JESS!!JESS!!" Mike said as he started to cry.  Jess stopped as she panted by the bridge. Mike grabbed her tightly and said "P-Please...don't kill yourself. Without you, I won't understand love is.." Mike said as tears was streaming down his face.

"And without that sweet-kind Mike....I won't understand why I am to born.." Jess said with tears coming down to her face. "I'll give that Mike back to you. I promise! Just don't leave me!" Mike shouted. "How Mike? You killed a person. There is no possible way to get that Mike here. Which is why I want to be in peace." Jess said in a joyful tune. 

Then Mike pulled Jess into a kiss. Then pulled away. "Mike?" Jess said. "W-What?!" Mike said. "None of your kisses can change me." Jess said as she pulled away from Mike and jumped down from the bridge. 

Mike wide his eyes and a lot of tears came down his face. "JESS!!!" Mike screamed as he jumped down the bridge to grab her. "M-MIKE?!" Jess shouted. "I-I WON'T LET YOU DIE!!" Mike yelled as they both were falling down the bridge.

(BACK FROM SAVANNAH'S HOUSE) Savannah opened her eyes and gasped. "No. They won't die." she said as she went through her book and said strange words. "My two Heart Desires."

"I'm just trying to help you." Savannah said.

At the bridge, blood was spattered on the floor.

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