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It was December 14, and all Mike would think about was Jess and Jessie. But he would break them up at the christmas party.

At school, Jess and Jessie was still being a lovey-dovey together. Mike didn't enjoy it, but he tried to be cool with it. But it seemed too hard. Then it was December 17, 3 more days till the dance arrives. And Mike came up with a plan.

He saw Jessie playing basket ball, and Mike was holding salt and dirt. He opened Jessie's water bottle and sprinkled salt and dirt together. Then he quickly ran quietly as he watched Jessie drink the bottle. Then he saw Jessie spitting out the water. It looked like he was gonna puke.

Mike had a smirk on his face. He suddenly felt a change through his body and it didn't feel very good. But he ignored it. Now with Jessie being sick, Mike can finally have a wonderful time with Jess. His beloved admirer. 

Then it was December 19, tomorrow was the christmas party and Mike was so excited! So was Jess. But she was a little bummed when she heard Jessie was sick. And couldn't come. But she was happy she got to go with Mike. Then finally the christmas party was here.

It was December 20 and the christmas party arrived. Mike placed a mistletoe inside his bag for the party. He can't wait to place his face on Jess's. His only wish was to be with her. And he was gonna make it happen. At 6:25, Mike arrived at the party and it looked really awesome. And he started to look for Jess. Then all of a sudden, his eyes went wide.

Mike saw Jess in the most gorgeous christmas dress he ever seen. "  look...amazing!" Mike said smiling. Jess blushed and said "Oh, thank you! And you look very handsome!" . Mike blushed too. He quickly placed a mistletoe right above a doorway. "Anyways...where's Jessie?" Mike asked. "Oh, Jessie got sick so he couldn't come. Bummer...but at least you're here." Jess said trying to smile.

Mike took out a box and threw it under the doorway where the mistletoe was. "Dang it! I lost my paper box!" Mike said. "Your paper box? Why did you bring that here?" Jess asked. "I needed it for my mom! She wants to know what happened here at the party. But now I lost it.." Mike said. Jess squinted her eye to look for the box and found it under the mistletoe. "I found it! I'll get it!" Jess said as she was running to the box. Mike ran after her. ' Yes! This is really happening! Jess is all mine now. No one can have her. And no one will get in my way.' Mike thought.  And they were both under the mistletoe.

"Here you go!" Jess said as she handed him the paper box. Mike took it and said thanks. Then he looked up and said "Uh, Jess? Look up." Mike said. Jess looked up and wide her eyes. "I'm just gonna get some punch..." Jess said as she was walking away. Mike grabbed her and thought ' I'm sorry Jess. But I want the promise to break. I want us to be together. I hope you forgive me. ' Mike thought as he pulled Jess into a kiss.

Jess blushed. But her body felt sadness fall through. ' MIKE?! Mike! M-Mike, what're you doing?! N-No...Mike please....n-no...I can't believe this. NO. I won't let this happen!' Jess thought as she pulled away. "How could you Mike?" Jess said in tears as she ran away. "JESS! JESS WAIT!" Mike said as he pulled on the invisible cloak. Mike ran after her, and saw her tears flow down from her cheeks.

Mike took off the cloak and said "Jess..?". Jess turned around and wind flew. "How could you Mike? You broke the promise!" Jess yelled. "I-I....I had to!" Mike said. "W-WHY?!" Jess yelled. "Don't you see Jess?! I-I...I love you! I loved you the whole time! I liked you!" Mike said. "But..we can't be together...I don't want us to be together." Jess said. "W-Why?" Mike said as he was walking to Jess. Jess took steps back.

"Because, if we be together...then it won't be the same from the past! And I want it to be the same! I want us to be friends! Best friends!" Jess replied. "I don't want to be best friends anymore Jess. I want us to be something more than that! I need you Jess..." Mike said. "I-I....I just...don't want to do it..." Jess said in tears. "Jess...please. I need you. I love you. You mean so much to me. Jess, please." Mike said. Jess was shaking her head a no. Mike started walking to her. Then all of a sudden. He heard Jessie. Mike quickly pulled on the invisible cloak without Jess noticing him.

"JESS?!JESS!!" Jessie yelled. "J-Jessie?!" Jess yelled as she ran to Jessie. And then they hugged. "What happened to you?!" Jessie said. "E-Emotions..." Jess said. Then Jessie pulled Jess into a kiss, this front of Mike. ' No...if you steal my love....THEN I'LL STEAL YOUR LIFE!' Mike said as he pulled his knife out. "Jessie." Mike said. Jessie pulled away, "M-Mike? MIKE WHAT DID YOU DO TO JESS?!" Jessie yelled. "SHOW YOURSELF!" Jessie yelled. "Get away from Jess right now. I am warning you." Mike said. "No. No, I won't.  Where are you?!" Jessie shouted. "GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW!" Mike yelled. "J-Jessie! Get out of here! You'll hurt yourself!" Jess said in tears of worry. "No Jess. If I die, my heart will connect to yours." Jessie said. "B-But.."  "I won't leave you Jess!" Jessie shouted. "If I have no choice....goodbye Jessie." Mike said.


' "Goodbye"? Mike..? Mike what are you...? M-MIKE!!!'    Jess thought as she was seeing a horrific moment.  "JESSIE!!!JESSIE!!JESSIE!!OH MY..GOD..! MIKE! MIKE STOP PLEASE!" Jess yelled with tears flowing. Mike stabbed Jessie. Blood was splattering on Jess's face and Mike's. Even Jessie's. "She's mine..." Mike said as he stabbed Jessie again. Mike pulled of the cloak and saw him on the floor.


Jess quickly ran over to Jessie and sobbed. "J-Jessie...! W-Why?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! Y-You..YOU MONSTER!! I told you! Things won't be the same..! Now we're never best friends of what you have done to me!" Jess sobbed as she was running away.

This party day...turned out to be the worst party day.

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