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I was surprised, because we did not stop at some large mansion, but at a small corner townhouse. It looked cute and cosy.

It had a double garage and when Charles pressed the remote on his keys, it opened.

"This is your home?" I was shocked, really. Wasn't he supposed to be living in some large mansion that looked more like a castle than anything else? Wasn't there supposed to be some large ten hectare garden, and a fountain near the entrance? Where was all of that?

He chuckled as he parked his car in the garage. The normal looking garage. Almost normal, it had a white Mercedes inside.

"Did you expect a large castle?" He teased. "Sorry to disappoint." I laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed. He saw right through my question.

"No, ha!" My voice was too high. "Of course not."

"Okay." He got out of the car, and closed the door. He then walked around the car and looked through the passenger window. "Do you want me to open the door for you, or what?"

"Oh." I said as I looked up at him. "Should I come out?"

"I want you to see my house, come on." I thought about it. Me and Charles Princeton in the same house, most likely alone?

"Um..." Me. Charles Princeton. An empty house. Haha, even my brain was finding that hard to process. Charles laughed besides me.

"Bella, are you scared that I might take advantage of you?" I did not look up at him when I answered, because he was correct. That was exactly what I thought. But Charles Princeton was not some scrawny short guy, who would lose a fight with a five year old. He was very big, and he was very much taller than me too.

I was not overreacting.

"You're a guy, Charles."

"Okay, understandable. But what if I promise that I won't do anything funny?"

"If I report you to the police they will not believe me. You probably have such good lawyers that you'd end up suing me for false accusations too." I looked up at Charles seriously, showing him that I really did not trust him and his guyness. He seemed to understand.

"Okay then. Just wait for me in the car." And then he turned around and entered the door connecting the house and the garage. It took me a second to realize that I was all alone, in an unfamiliar place.

"Wait! You're leaving me here alone?" He did not answer. I knew that he had heard me. I had echoed.

I frowned, and crossed my arms over my chest. Not angrily, but more nervously because I was at the house of Charles Princeton. I couldn't help how I was feeling. Or the heart that was thrumming in my chest. And then I remembered the letter that I had gotten that morning.


Well, hello there, Cinderella

There are a few words of wisdom that I'd like to share with you.

Take risks!

It was actually a couple of words (because they are two). Next time write me an exciting letter about how you "accidentally" got kidnapped by pirates, or how you went skydiving with the "prince of all creeps".

Love, CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now