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My lasagne was made to perfection, but no one ate it. Sandy, Cari and Cheri went out to a fancy restaurant. They only told me when the lasagne was done.

"Bella we're going out tonight. We won't be back until Sunday." Sandy had said as she pulled a large suitcase behind her.

"What about the lasagne?" Sandy only glanced at me and the looked at her phone.

"I did not ask you to make it. I just told you that Cheri wanted it for dinner. We'll buy it at the Italian restaurant in town. Eat that or something. Just don't waste it." And then my step mother clicked away out of the house.

I did not say anything but decided to clean up the kitchen. It was not so hard really. The kitchen was already clean. I was just putting away the lasagne when I heard a knock on the front door. I hurried there and opened hoping that it was Sandy. Hoping that she at least had the decency to take some of the lasagne with her.

It was not her. It was a rich kid from up town, and he was holding a bouquet of pretty yellow flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Are you lost?" I was lonely, but I did not want him to keep me company. Call me stubborn.

"Bella, I'm sorry."

"I told you not to come to my house." I was frowning as I looked at him. I was not as angry at him as I had expected. My anger, I think, was drowned by all of my loneliness after finding out that I would be spending the weekend alone.

"I saw your step mom leave. If she was here I would have gone through your bedroom window instead." The guy was an idiot. Seriously.

"I told you not to break into my room too." I glanced at the flowers and the box. "What's that for." Charles smiled widely at me.

"I bought these for you. To say I'm sorry. I overreacted." I took the box and flowers. Then I looked up at him.

"You did not just overreact, idiot. You also punched an innocent guy." Charles made a disgusted expression, not before I glared at him.

"He deserved it. I hate Collen and I told him not to communicate with you." That guy, really.

"Thay's my decision to make." Wind blew into the house and I shivered. It was cold. I walked back into the house because It was getting cold. Charles did not follow.

"Should I get in?" Charles shouted from the door. I did not glance at him as I walked into the kitchen.

"Were you bitten by a vampire?" I could imagine Charles's dumbfounded expression. He was such an air head sometimes.


"You've never asked for permission before." I poked my head from the kitchen and looked at him. He had the exact look that I imagined he'd have. So to spare him the headache I got straight to the point. "Get in." He seemed happy at that and got in.

I put the flowers on the kitchen counter and the box too. I did not know what to do with the flowers. I would obviously have to find them a vase, which I had...or from what I remember. But I couldn't put it anywhere but in my bedroom. So really the flowers had one fate. Charles walked into the kitchen. I looked up at him.

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