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All the POV's are in the main characters' view, unless otherwise specified.

Mrs.Pevensie was a woman who loved Latin things. Latin words, etiquette, the city, she loved it all. The only thing preventing her from naming her children after Latin things was her husband, Mr.Pevensie. He thought that the obsession was too much. Nevertheless, even he couldn't say no to her.

Peter and Susan had already been born. That's when Mrs.Pevensie had found out she was pregnant again. She had made up her mind already, this baby would be named by her. And yes, it would be a Latin name and nothing else. Mr.Pevensie had to agree. And so she was born.

Named Pandora Talia, she was the middle child. She was exactly like her namesake. All gifted. She could do anything once she set her mind to it. Whether it be Running or in Academics, she was the best. Her parents were proud of her, and so were her siblings. She was soft-spoken, but yet was a leader.

The story begins during the War, of course. As their mother sends them away to safety in the countryside at Professor Kirke's mansion, the five discover something that's not really there, and Pandora discovers something else entirely.

Maybe she'll find love too?

Who know-


Sorry, that's Susan calling. Who am I? I think you might have guessed already. Pandora Talia Pevensie, third eldest among my siblings, smartest one in my family and the most calm minded one. I joined the adventures too, and I found something greater than my life.

My love.

Want to hear my story now?



Guess who?


Anyways, this is my new story as I really like had this idea for a long long time and I felt that yes! Got to get this thing on Wattpad or I will go crazy.

Anyways, in here chapters are going to be short, which means more updates!


So, update timings.

1. Update only when chapter goals are done.

2. Updates whenever it is possible but there will be two updates a week, and that's the minimum.

3. Keep the above two rules in mind.

Without further ado,

Let's roll.


Gossip Girl.

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