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Pandora's POV


Best fencing partner, ever!

Damn, I would have come to Narnia sooner if it meant I would improve on my fencing. My instructor at London would be pretty proud of me, I'd expect.

Alaghia was a competitor I wish I never battle against in real life. She was pulling out all sorts of moves, which frankly impressed me, a lot. We were practising on a hilltop, overlooking the beautiful green plains. There was a slight wind blowing, which messed up my hair. Wish I had an elastic now.

Caspian's POV

As Glenstorm and I were trotting around, I saw a crowd being formed on a hill. As we went nearer, we saw a centaur fighting with a girl. Was that Pandora?

Her hair was blowing backwards as she was fighting, giving blow after blow to the centaur who was good at defense. "Alaghia is one of my best sword fighters, Prince." Glenstorm murmured. "For her to go on the defense, Queen Pandora must be something special."

She was beautiful. When Peter and I spoke, he told me that this was Pandora's first time in Narnia, not being included in the Golden Age. The way she was fighting, it didn't seem like it. She was handling the sword as if it was her long lost friend. She was just marvelous. I had to get to know her, I just had to.

Suddenly the crowd started clapping and hooting. Jerking out of my thoughts, I saw that they were thanking each other. It was a tie.

Suddenly, our eyes met and she blushed and smiled at me. God, what is she? I think I like her. Oh Aslan!


Pandora's POV

It was later in the evening, at Aslan's How. We were all present, as Peter and Caspian were arguing on how to attack.

"We have to lay siege on the castle!" Peter said.

"Have you seen the castle, it's impenetrable. No one has ever done that!" Caspian argued back.

"We should probably lead them back here." Nikabrik said.

"I, for one, feel much safer underground." A beaver told.

"Yeah, and we'd throw groundnuts at them, would we?" Reepicheep said, glaring at him. Honestly, it took a little willpower to not laugh at that.

They were just arguing back and forth with the same two options. Die here or die there.

"It sounds like you're asking Narnians to either die here, or die there." I said, looking at both of them.

"Dora's right." Edmund nodded at me.

"What about this Aslan that Lucy saw in the forest? I mean, as far as I know, he helped in the war last time!" I said, looking at Peter first and then Caspian. Gosh, was the boy so handsome. I just wanted to kiss him.

Focus, Dora.

"It's too late for Aslan." Peter said and turned to Glenstorm. "If we manage to get in Miraz's castle, would you fight?"

"Or die trying, Your Majesty."

Oh God. They just signed their deaths.


Hola! Can you see the ship sailing? #Dorian #Cadora

So, procrastination has given me my mojo back!!!

I have an English exam tomorrow, so muy bien (I legit have no clue what this means, someone comment down below what is this or if it is nothing😂)

Who studies for English? Like legit.

Anyways, next chapter should be up tomorrooow. I feel so guilty that I didn't post for like aaggeess. So no chapter goals for the next 7 chapters.

This is the second chapter with no chapter goals. 5 more to go!



Ian Somerhalder.

(Gosh, that boy)

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