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Susan's POV

After we'd been to Narnia and come back from Professor Kirke's mansion, Pandora had changed. She wasn't the same girl who only cared about being first in class. No, she had to.be good at everything. No matter what, she was better at it. Fencing, studies, she was so good. So good in fact, that she had been selected in the first round for St.London's School for Middle Students. It joined up with the London University, one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. Right now, we were all catching the train to Elderberry, where Edmund, Peter, Lucy and I would get down and Pandora would continue to London. Mum and Dad were so proud of her.

We were at the station and Pandora had rum off with one of her friends, claiming that we were too 'uncool'. Lucy and I were just looking at her discussing with her friends and laughing, looking well, perfect. Sometimes I'm jealous of her. But she's my little sister.

Suddenly Edmund calls, well pulls me towards the platform. On getting there, I see Peter fighting with one of the older guys and suddenly the constable comes and pulls them apart, warning them to stop. I shake my head and go to Peter.

"What happened this time?" I asked.

"He pushed me." Peter says and looks around.

"So you hit him?!" Lucy exclaims.

"He told me to apologise. That's when I hit him." Peter shrugged. "Where's Dora? We have to get going now."

"Oh my God." Dora comes running. "What's wrong with you! You hurt Des!"

"Who's Des?" Peter asked, looking at her.

"Ron's elder brother! You know Ron, one of my friends!" She says, looking at him.

"Come on now, let's sit." I say, trying to diffuse the tension. Peter was staring hard at Dora, wondering what is wrong with her.

"Actually, I'll just be heading back to my friends," She rambled on. "We've got plans for the Wynter Cere-"

"Sit down, Dora." Peter says, quite angrily. Looking at his face, Dora decides to sit down. We all sit next to them. Peter and Dora were so close, though after going to Narnia, they've grown apart. Dora matured and Peter just didn't know what to do.

"Peter, stop pinching me!" Dora stands up and looks at him. "Okay, I don't know what your problem is-"

"I didn't pinch you! Edmund stop it!"

"Woah, I didn't do anything!"

"Susan! Stop it!" Lucy shrieks at me.

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"It feels like magic!" Lucy said and looked at all of us.

"Quick, hold hands!" Peter says. "Dora, Ed!"

"What are you bloody going on about! There is no such thing as magic!" Dora shrieks at Peter.

"Just hold mine and Lucy's hands, now!"

As we tightly held hands, Dora shut her eyes. "I want to get to London, safe!" She said and suddenly, we saw a beach.

"Is that?" Edmund said, going through.

"Narnia!" I said.

"What's bloody Narnia?" Dora said from behind me. "And where are we?"


Chapter Goals: 20 votes and 40 views.



Great chappie, noe?


Without further ado,

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The Human Torch, aka Johnny Storm.

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