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Pandora's POV

"Hold up. Wait a minute. You guys had a castle?" I practically shrieked. I hadn't remembered anything about a castle in the book. Damn it.

"Where were the Kings and Queens of Narnia living then? A shack?" Edmund said sarcastically.

"Oye, gimme a break. You don't look likely to be a king Ed, let alone have a castle." I retorted, huffing.

"Dora, Ed. Time out please." Peter said, looking at the seats. "Who could have done all of this?"

"Well, these are caused by catapults, I'm sure," Ed said, looking at the broken pieces of pillar.

"Could there have been a war in the time that we had gone?" Lucy asked.

"We had only been gone a year!" Susan said.

"Space time continuity, guys."

"English, Dora."

"What I meant to say, brother Ed that when you had grown old in Narnia, it had barely been 20 minutes in our world. It's been a year in our world. Mind telling me how much time would have passed here?"

"She's right." Susan said. "It might have been centuries!"

"Susan, Peter look there!" Lucy said pointing at the water.

Two people were throwing a third man into the water, with his hands and legs bound and his mouth gagged. As soon as he touched the water surface, the men let go of him, resulting in a splash and him struggling to get himself out.

"He's going to die!" Lucy shrieked.

"Susan, quick!" I shouted, as she got ready to shoot.

All I can say is that she's got fabulous aim. The arrow lodged itself in the man's head, causing him to die and topple over. The other man quickly jumped from the boat and swam away.

Meanwhile, Peter jumped in the water and got the person out. He was very short, and had an orange beard.

"What have you done?!" The person shouted as soon as he caught his breath.

"Hey!" Susan said, indignantly.

"You should be thanking them, they saved you!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Hold on, you're a Narnian!" Lucy all but shouted.

"Okay, so what were they? Chopped liver?" I pointed towards the boat, which was still floating.

"Yea, little girl. And you're a Telmarine!" The little man said.

"No, I think you're mistaken. They are the Kings and Queens." I said, pointing at the lot.

"Wait a minute. You're it? You're the Kings and Queens of Old?" The man said, astonished.

"You should be thanking us." Susan said, indignantly. "After all, we did save you!"

"Oh, pfft. Alright then. Thank you, you're majesty." He said, doing an awkward curtesy.

"Do you know what happened here?" Peter said, pointing at Cair Paravel.

"It's been a millenia, where were you?"



Been a long time since I posted, and yea, I think I've lost so many readers by now.

Those who are still reading this, I love you guys!

Anyways, I thought of starting a QOTD, which stands for Question of the Day.

So today's question is.... (Insert drumroll)

Which do you prefer, Halsey or Lady Gaga?

I myself prefer Halsey, but lemme know in the comments!


Sharpay Evans aka Sharpie.
(Was in a HSM mood)

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