18. Riddled

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Derek's P.O.V

   Scott called me to help him look for Stiles, who was missing. Jade stayed at home. I feel like things are much brighter for us now, and that can be dangerous. Every time we get a little happier, the shittiest stuff happen to us. And we fight, getting at each other's throats. I don't want that for us. I want her to be happy. I want us to be in a better place.

   I hope we're not going there...

   I went to the hospital, by Scott's request, and searched the whole place. Stiles was nowhere to be seen.

   "He's not here." I informed as Scott and Isaac came running towards me. "Not anymore."

   "You mean the whole building?" Scott asked. He was lost. I could see how broken he felt. Being without his best friend. Seeing what's happening to him...


   "I'll go tell Stilinski, and see if you can find Allison. She's not answering her phone." Isaac responded and went back. Scott came to stand next to me.

   "Notice how strong the scent is up here?" I wanted to enlighten Scott with some information he could use. He needs to learn more about his powers and this is a great opportunity to teach him how to find emotions through scents. "Ever heard of chemo signals? Chemical signals that communicate emotion, and just our sweat can give off anger, fear or disgust. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel." He did as I asked.

   "Stress." He replied.

   "And anxiety." I added.

   "What was he doing up here?"

   "I don't know. But there was definitely some kind of struggle."

   "With who?"


   I went to the high school, trying to find Stiles. After a thorough search, he wasn't there either. I went back to the hospital to where Stiles' car was, and where Aiden was waiting for me. Aiden started my car while I set jumper cables up on Stiles' Jeep.

   "So, you think he was just sleepwalking? Or is there something more to it?" Aiden asked.

   "In this town there's always something more." I answered. I wanted Jade to be by my side and help me. But I also didn't want more stress and anger is our relationship. She needs to rest at home.

   "What if I told you I know something more? I kind of overheard- well, I listened in on Stiles talking to Scott. How he thinks he was the one who wrote that message in the chemistry room. The message telling Barrow to kill Kira."

   "You think Stiles," I began. "Skinny, defenseless Stiles is the nogitsune, a powerful, dark spirit?" I asked Aiden. Sounds ridiculous.

   "I'm not the only one thinking it. I'm just the only one saying it."

   "This thing wants to possess someone and chooses Stiles, why wouldn't it take someone bigger, stronger? Someone with a little more-" I stopped. "Power." I touched the jumper cables together, making a spark. Of course the nogistune would choose Stiles.

   I saw Kira at high school as I came here for her. If anyone can give me answers right now, it's her. She wanted to approach Scott, but he was too much into his own mind to notice her. Or even hear her.

   "Scott." She called. "Hey." He didn't hear her. I didn't expect Scott to be so caught up in his thoughts. He is very troubled about Stiles... I approached Kira.

Panthera Onca ➳ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now