Chapter 6

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Pewdie P.O.V

I woke up in my seat on the plane, and I felt kinda puzzled. Then I remembered, I must have knocked out in the mind of my thoughts. I checked the time on my watch, only a few more hours until I reach the airport and see Toby when comes to pick me up. Looks like I'll be seeing him sooner than I thought. Toby is a nice guy, maybe I shouldn't be trying to push away despite the way he feels for me, despite the way I feel about cry. I mean, after all, we are friends. Hanging out with him won't be so bad.

I'll be seeing Cry and Ken as well since they're coming to LA too, maybe hanging out with everyone will help me push these thoughts away.

I guess since I still have few more hours go, I'll go back to taking another nap.

I was alarmed to the sound of one of the flight assistants telling the passengers to buckle up for the landing in a few minutes. I'm here already? Okay, Toby is gonna be here to pick you up. Be normal, act natural.

We finally landed and I stepped into the airport I was surprised when I was picked up off my feet to a hug dropping my bags. "Hey Felix!" Toby said in a very enthusiastic voice. "Hey Toby." I said trying to sound like he wasn't crushing me to pieces. "I'm sorry, I'm just happy to see you!" He said trying to calm himself down. "To you as well Toby" I said with a smile. I'm glad he's happy to see me, hanging out with him doesn't seem like it'll be that bad so far. "Do you wanna go now? I'll help you with your bags?" He said already grabbing one of my two suitcases and my bag with my camera and laptop. Recording supplies I should say. "Oh yeah, alright let's go."

It isn't the longest ride to the Hotel, but damn it feels like forever. Maybe it's just due to the fact that its such a quiet ride because we aren't really talking at all. "So how you been Felix?" I guess Toby realized it was kinda awkward so he'd thought he'd just break the silence. "It's been good, what about you?"

"Oh you know, same old me, trying to handle three channels." He said kinda nervous. Damn this is awkward.

Toby P.O.V

Okay, so it's been awhile since that encounter with Olga, you know? It's been about, what, a week? Gah!! I'm so confused, why did she have to kiss me? What do I do? Maybe I should just tell her I don't feel the same anymore. Yeah, that seems like the right thing to do. I don't have time to worry about that right now though, I pick up Felix in a few hours. I was kinda glad he let me help him with a few things for when he gets here. Hey, it's the best thing I could do for him instead of him worrying about what he was gonna have to do when he got here. I'll just set my alarm and take a little nap. I just hope I don't have to worry about how I feel about him when he arrives. He's my friend, I don't wanna ruin that.

I woke up just in time to pick up Felix, I don't wanna be late, but I don't want some lunch. Maybe a quick bit and I'll be on my way.

I finally got to the Airport, guess its time to pick up Felix. Stay calm Toby, be chill, be chill...

I sat inside for awhile, waiting for Toby to come out into the airport. I'm sitting right in front of his exit, and then I spot him. I ran up to him and picked him off his feet into a hug. "Hey Felix!" I said so happy to see him. This isn't calm Toby, this isn't calm! I said be cool! "Hey Toby." He tried to get out. I must be hugging him too tight. "I'm sorry, I'm just happy to see you!" I told him trying to calm down. "To you as well Toby"

"Do you wanna go now? I'll help you with your bags?" I said trying to be helpful while grabbing two if his bags without his response. "Oh yeah, alright, let's go." We walked back to my car, and I filled my trunk. Man, he had a lot of stuff. Well, of course, it's 3 weeks.

While we were in the car, we were both completely silent. It felt kind of awkward, so I thought I'd try and start a conversation. "So, how you been Felix?"

"It's been good, what about you?" I didn't really expect him to answer me. I thought he'd probably say he wasn't in the mood or anything since that's how he's been acting. "Oh you know, same old me, trying to handle three channels." Man, can we just get to the Hotel and quick?


Sorry for the rather short chapters guys. Anyways, hope a few of you like the story so far, if you came from my story "SCManex" tell us what you think about this story in the comments.

Have any request comment and such, I'd be glad to add sone of your suggestions and stuff you'd like to Read in the story.


"How can I be so selfish?" Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, CinnamonToastKen, Cryoatic FanficWhere stories live. Discover now