Chapter 10

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Toby P.O.V

After my nap, I did all that mess I had to do to prepare for Vidcon. All that's left to do I call Olga.

I took out my phone and dialed her number, I had to make sure this went well. I paced silently as I waited for the phone to be answered, soon enough Olga picked up.


"Hey Olga, it's uh, Toby."

"Oh Hey, what happened earlier?"

"Don't worry about it, but we need to finish the conversation. Why? Why did you do it? Why did you kiss me?"

I heard her sign through the phone, it seemed like the sound of guilt, disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I had to see if I still had feelings for you. It was a test to see myself if something was still there."

"Is there?..." I trailed of my sentence, I was ready for this answer.


That's all I needed to hear, I was relieved, like a weight was just lifted off my shoulders.

"Well, I'm kinda glad to hear that, I was hoping I wouldn't have to hurt you if you still did."

"So are we cool?"

"We're cool, see you at Vidcon."

"See you at Vidcon." I could tell by the tone In her voice she was relieved too, and this could come to our recovering friendship.

Should I vlog? I should vlog. I found a good place to you know, vlog where it was quiet, calm. I went outside focused my camera to a near by bird and started recording.

"AUDIENCE? What are doing staring at this majestic bird audience? INTRO OF DARKNESS, THEN REDNESS, THEN WHITENESS. Okay, so Vidcon is in a few days and man it's going to be freakin awesome. Pewdiepie is already here, I offered to pick him up from the airport and he's an awesome dude. I ran into IJustine earlier too, she'll be at Vidcon too and I'm hoping to see alot of you. Don't be afraid to come up, have me sign some things, if you have a Tobuscus shirt, dude you're like, AWESOME. Anyways, I'm gonna go, pft shower. The winner of yesterday's t-shirt is annotated at the bottom middle of the video, if you wanna enter to win a t-shirt post a comment about Birds, Vidcon, if you're going, and pft pewdiepie and IJustine. Today has been a long day, I'm done. Haha. BOOP."

So It's late and I'm still tired after my shower and I already vlog. I'm gonna go to sleep, see if maybe Felix wants to go to lunch tomorrow or something.

I woke to Gryphon's barking, which was irritating to hear in the morning. I got up and went to the living room to check what was up. Gryphon was at the door barking and barking.

"Gryphon, what's wrong boy?"

I look out the little peep hole to only see some little girls and a woman who I'm guessing was their mother passing by.

"Gryphon, no. They're not a threat. Do you wanna treat? Huh? Lets go get it!"

I went to the kitchen followed by Gryphon and fed him his treat. I went back to my room checking the clock, it was 10am. Hm, maybe right now seems like a good time to invite Felix out to lunch. I pulled out my phone calling Felix, hoping he'd be in the mood.


"Hey Felix, it's Toby, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch?"

"Sure, what time?"

"At about one?"

"Alright, cool, text me where bro."

I was glad he agreed to go out to lunch, it gives us sometime to hang out you know? The only thing is having to keep from letting my feelings for him get the best of me. So far I've been doing fine, but it's not easy with a guy like Felix, someone so amazing. Anybody could fall for him, he has such an amazing personality. Then again, a lot of Youtubers do. Maybe I should start getting ready, or clean up, the house is a mess.

Alright, just about time to meet up with Felix. We chose this normal nice restaurant, they serve amazing food.

I thought I'd wear something, ither than a Tobuscus shirt today you know? I decided on a button up shirt over a plain gray T-shirt, some jeans and a pair of sneakers. Looks good, I look like Toby, not YouTube Toby or Tobuscus, just Toby.

I got In my car and took off to meet Felix at the restaurant, good thing I'm not late. I stepped in side, hoping to spot Felix right away. I saw him already at a table, which was good, atleast we didn't have to wait.

"Hey Felix, looks like you got here early enough."

"Haha, yeah just got here."

"Can I get you your drinks?"

I looked up to a brunette waiting for our response, our waiter for the day I assume.

"Um yeah, a soda." Felix responded not to keep her waiting.

"Make it two"

Before she walked away she looked at me and gave me a wink. That's kind of, hm, I don't know. I can't really think of anything to due due to that fact I'm not into woman that way, atleast not anymore that is. I was confused, and didn't really think there could be anything I could say.

She came back with our drinks, and she was looking at me. Okay, so I'm guessing she finds me attractive.

"Hey, watch it. This one is mine." I look over to Felix who had a smile on his face slightly laughing while to told that to the woman.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize." She responded and walked away.

"What was... That for?" I asked slightly feeling unsure from what I just heard.

"It just seemed like you were uncomfortable about her being on you, so I thought I would get her off you."

Well, I'm kinda glad he did, it was kind if awkward and uncomfortable.

We spent the rest of lunch talking about Vidcon and what we would be recording, meet ups, and such. I could say it was pretty nice to hang out and talk to Felix, I can't help but feel my feelings grow stronger.

"How can I be so selfish?" Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, CinnamonToastKen, Cryoatic FanficWhere stories live. Discover now