Chapter Three

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Woah sorry I haven't updated in like 12 years I've had a ton of hw and softball game sales every day //


I shot up into a sitting position on the couch, a mixture of sweat and tears causing my hair to stick to my face. I quickly ran my fingers under my eyes and unstuck various strands of hair.

I squinted into the dark room until my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. The silhouette of Frank was just visible enough to make out his (shirtless, I would just like to point out) form crouching beside the couch. More of his tattoos were visible, the intricate designs decorating parts of his torso. "What happened?"

He seemed to visibly relax now that I seemed relatively okay, as he sunk down to a sitting position and rested his elbows on his knees. "You we screaming. And crying."

I felt my face heat up, thankful that it was too dark in the room to see the blush forming on my cheeks. I guess I had dozed off. "Oh," was the only thing I managed to say.

He paused. "Are you okay?"

My hands busied themselves by playing with a loose thread in the blanket that was on my lap. "I think so."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Frank was so complicated. Or maybe I was reading too much into his general kind personality. He didn't even know me, yet when he spoke, his voice was laced with genuine concern.

"Okay.. Do you want me to stay out here with you?"

I firmly shook my head. "No way, I have inconvenienced you enough." My gaze slid to the time displayed on the cable box in bright green numbers. 5:43 am. "Actually, I should probably go now. Thank you for everything."

Now it was his turn to shake his head. "You aren't going anywhere until I've at least fed you breakfast. I make a mean waffle."

I sighed, relaxing back into the cushions. I had a strong sense that he wouldn't let me leave now even if I tried. "Fine. I guess that'll give me time to figure out what I'm going to do to hide the bruises from my roommate. But afterwards I'm leaving and you never have to deal with me again. I swear."

He smiled so bright I could actually see it in this dark ass room. "I've solved the bruise problem. Call your roommate and tell her you're taking an unexpected visit to see family and you'll be back in a few days. You're going to stay with me. I have the week off and you need a place to heal, so you'll stay here and let me fulfil my unachieved nursing dream. By then, they should be faded enough to be able to cover with makeup."

"Hell no! I've imposed on your life enough. I'll just say I fell."

"I don't think the one around your neck will be able to fall into that category."

I mutter a few choice words, running a hand through my knotted hair. "I'll wear a scarf."

"You don't strike me as the scarf type. I think that would seen a bit conspicuous."

With a groan, I say, "I guess you've won. Consider yourself a babysitter."

"You must call me Nurse Frank from now on."

I snort. "Yeah, okay, Nurse Frank, how about you go back to bed."

He claps his hands, getting up on his knees. "Oh, no, I'm much too excited for sleep. Let's stay up and gossip."

I raise an eyebrow. I think he's crazy. "Are you okay? I think you may be sleep deprived. Or you're secretly a 14 year old girl."

He laughed, an adorable sound that was one 'Legally Blonde' reference away from being a giggle. "Well, I tend to stay awake late so your probably right about the first one. But last time I checked my dick is very much there so I think you're wrong about that one."

And, just like that, the blush was back. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Okay, fine. Maybe a 14 year old boy, then."

"That one is acceptable. Still slightly damages my pride, but at least I'm a male now."

An easy smile slides onto my face, but in the silence, I remember why I was here in the first place, and it's gone. I shake my head, curling into a ball. "How do you distract me so easily?"

He smoothly climbs onto the couch and sits on the opposite side, crossing his legs and facing me. "Habit, I guess. My best friend, Jamia, had a rough past. We've been friends since freshman year, so I just got used to comforting her."

I rested my chin on my knee. "What's she like?"

His eyes seemed to shine in the darkness. "She's amazing. Beautiful, caring, and she always puts others before herself. She may have some mentally dark times, but even then she's still one of the most refreshing people I know. It's impossible not to love her."

I bite my lip and smiled. Hopefully I'll get to meet her sometime, she sounds awesome.

Wait, I won't meet her. Once I leave here, I'm never even going to see Frank again. The thought actually makes me feel a pang sadness.  He's a good guy. Keeping my thoughts to myself, I say, "You seem really fond of her. Are you two, like, a thing?"

He rapidly shakes his head, his hair whipping across his face and a distressed noise escaping his throat. "No, no, no. Never. She's like a sister to me. That would be totally weird. I would rather date Gerard Way than Jamia."

Something familiar rings at the back of my head. "Who's Gerard?"

He smiles. "The lead singer of the band I'm in."

Then it clicks.


He chuckles. "Oh?"

I calm down a bit and fall back onto the couch. "Wow. I was so obsessed with MCR like 3 years ago my parents had just divorced and I took it really hard. I went to a concert, actually. You said something that made me decide to stop cutting. You look a lot different now, though. That's why I didn't recognize you. I haven't actually listened to you guys since then. I think this is a sign I should again."

Frank just kind of blinked. "Woah. Holy shit." Then he leaned forward, holding out his hand and gesturing for me to give mine to him. I do, and he examines my wrist in the dark. He softly let's go, my arm falling back down. "I'm proud of you."

Tears pricked at the back of my eyes. Frank Iero rescued me from depression before.

Maybe he can save me from my mind now.

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