|Chapter 5|

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You stayed, and I think that's what I needed the most. The reminder that you weren't going anywhere and you were going to be here not only for me but for James.

Shai POV

Theo stayed the night, sleeping next to me and holding me tight. He even got up a few times when James would cry, or even just to see him sleep. Making up for lost time, in the simplest ways.

I got up at one point, watching as James's father held him close to him, hugging him against his bare chest. Kissing the top of his head, and whispering small things into his ear.

He missed the chance to do this after James was born, all because I couldn't tell him. But he's here now, making up the lost time. And that's the most important thing.

I wake up and roll over to see Theo still sound asleep. Only in navy boxers and his hair is messed up; but sometimes when it's messy it's the best.

I get up as quietly as I can, grabbing a black sweatshirt to put on and I walk into my son's room.

"Morning buddy." I whisper, as I see that his eyes are already peaked open.

I pick him up and move to the rocking chair, so he can eat. He latches on pretty quick, and he just stares up at me as he eats. His sparkling brown eyes that he get's from Theo look to me.

I smile at how thankful I am for this little guy, even if it was a shock and so unplanned. I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world.

As he finishes, I pull my shirt down and bounce him a bit. Burping him and quickly change his diaper.

"You're pretty good at that." I hear a deep voice say, making my head whip around to see Theo standing in the door way. He put on grey sweatpants but is still shirtless.

"You can try it if you want." I joke, throwing the soiled diaper away.

"Yeah, we'll see." He says with a small smile.

Theo walks over to say good morning to his son, but takes me by surprise when he kisses me lightly. I'm standing there stunned as he turns to pick James up.

"Hey there little guy." Theo says to James, walking out the room with him in his arms. Leaving me standing there not sure of what just happened.

"Shai, maybe this--" Theo tries to say, but doesn't get the chance when I press my lips back to his. Both our breaths hold the smell of alcohol, and his shirt and my pants are on the floor. Leaving us in very little but still somewhat clothed.

I shake my head getting the memory out of my thoughts, and walk back into the bedroom to put on some sweatpants.

I go out into the kitchen where I find Theo shirtless, and James in his high chair. James can't really eat from it obviously, unless he's having a bottle. But sometimes I put it there so he can watch me and I can watch him.

Theo's cooking something, and humming along to the radio that's softly playing. I stop before entering the kitchen, taking a moment to look at this from a far.

This is a family, the family James deserves and one I've always wanted. I just hope this will stay longer than my dreams of this do.

I walk in, kissing the top of James's head, making him gurgle a little. Theo turns to me, with a small smile on his face.

"Hi." I say softly, not sure what to say. I'm still a bit in shock of what happened in James's bedroom, even of it was just a small kiss.... on the lips.

"Hi." He says back, the softness the same as mine.

He looks at me, with a small smile pressed on his lips. I go over and hug him, the urge to big for me to hold. I've realized that I become very vulnerable when I'm around him, and maybe that's one of the things I'm so drawn to.

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