|Chapter 11|

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It didn't feel real, any of it. It felt like some wonderful dream that I hoped I'd never wake up from. But this was my reality, this was what was really happening. In twelve hours I'd be your wife, vowed in love and life. To have you by my side through anything and everything. Someone pinch me... because it just doesn't feel real.

Shai's POV

"Can't we just break tradition?" I ask, picking up some of James's toys off the floor.

"No, I like this part. Not being able to see you until our wedding day." Theo explains, "When you come walking down that aisle in white."

I turn around as I feel his arms wrap around me, pulling my closer into his embrace.

"I'm really excited for you to see my dress." I smile, teasing him.

"Don't taunt me, it's not fair." Theo says, leaning forward. Kissing me soft and slow.

I pull back when I hear James through the baby monitor on the table.

"I got him a tiny suit for tomorrow." Theo mentions as we walk up the stairs towards James's room.

"Really?" I smile, and see him nod.

"Matches mine." Theo adds, making me more and more curious. Wanting to see my baby boy wearing something so handsome.

"Can I see it? Is it in his room?" I ask, and Theo laughs as we reach James's room.

"If I can't see your dress, you can't see our suits." Theo says, and I shove his shoulder.

"Who's being the tease now??"

The downstairs phone rings as we reach James's crib. I volunteer to go answer, running down the stairs and reaching it before voicemail picks it up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Is Theo out of the house yet?" I hear his sister's voice ask.

"No. Why?"

"Shai! He's supposed to be out with his friends, his bachelor party. And us girls are coming over for your bachelorette party in ten minutes!" Jessica explains to me, her voice sounding annoyed at my forgetfulness.

"Sorry, I'll boot him out here in the next couple minutes." I assure her, and can almost hear her rolling her eyes. She hangs up after that, but I know the topic will come back up later in the night.

"Who was it?" Theo asks, walking down the stairs with James in his arms.

"Jessica." I say and watch Theo shake his head.

"What did she want?"

"To make sure you weren't here." I laugh.

"She and some of my friends are coming over for my bachelorette party." I say, and Theo raises his eyebrow.

"Really?" He asks, and sighs.

"Okay, i'll leave." He says getting up, James still in his arms.

"Leave the child Theo." I say, laughing lightly at what I just said.

"He's a boy. And boy's aren't allowed at a bachelorette party. Unless they're strippers, and as far as I know... James isn't one." Theo says, gathering a few thing's of James's to bring with him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him, as he reaches the front door. My voice saying it probably more in the way of a question, nerves setting in that he may not be certain about all this.

"Why do you say it like that?" Theo asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I'll be there. At the end of the aisle, waiting for you." He smiles, and kisses my lips lightly. Pulling away much too soon.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise. As long as you'll be there, walking towards me." Theo says, and it's my turn to smile.

"I promise." Kissing him first this time.

And soon, they're gone.


"Oh my god!" I exclaim, almost chocking on the wine I was drinking.

"You did not just ask me that!" I say astonished at Zoe.

It's a small group of us girls; Keleigh, Jessica and Anna (Theo's sisters) and Zoe. My mother and some of my childhood friends will be here tomorrow in time for the wedding, but not tonight.

"Come on, give us something!" Zoe pleads, after asking me about in depth details of our 'sex life'.

We had still stayed close after the franchise ended, but sometimes her blunt and unfiltered comments still stun me a little.

"I doubt that his sisters really need to hear that." I tell her, rolling my eyes. My cheeks turning a light pink.

"It's fine Shai! I'm sure that Anna and I could drink enough to forget whatever you say about the topic." Jess jokes and I scowl, wishing that she would've helped me out here.

"He's good." I whispers, blushing wildly.

"Seriously. That's all..?" Keleigh drags out, laughing as she drinks from her glass.

"He's amazing. Is that better?"

"How long is hi-" Zoe begins but I cut her off.

"I am not answering that. I'm done talking about this." I say, my voice has a small chuckle to it.

"Okay, okay." They back off.

"You nervous?" Kel asks me, and I look at her. She's wearing a small cotton candy pink nightgown- since they're staying overnight with me. And even without make up on her face, she looks gorgeous.

I breathe in and out before answering, "yes."

"I bet you never expected to have a child right now, and a husband tomorrow huh?" Jessica says, pulling her cream sweater closer to her. Her hair braided and flowing over her right shoulder.

"Honestly, no." I say, shaking my head. I always knew I wanted to have children and to be married, when I found the right person of course. It's just a little surreal to have a child under the age of one and to be engaged right now.

"I mean I wouldn't trade James for the world, he's my... life. And Theo--" That's where I stop. Sometimes just saying his name leaves me speechless. Unable to pick the best word, there's millions of words to describe him and to explain how I feel about him. But picking the best word can be hard for me.

"He loves you." Anna says smiling at me.

I nod, smiling to myself. Knowing how much he loves me and how much I mean to him. I may not know the level of his love, but maybe that's the thing I'm not supposed to know.  My eyes look down to my lap, where my hands are held. Staring at the beautiful ring that I will forever get to wear.

"I love him too."

A/N: hey all! Sorry about the long wait, I will tell you guys though that there's probably only one or two chapters left. Maybe an epilogue if you guys want one. :) luv to all❤️

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