|Chapter 10|

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Surprises seem to never end with you. Something big seems to always be around the corner with you. And today was no different, maybe bigger but no less a surprise. You tend to take my breath away, to take me off guard by some of the things you say and do. The things you choose to forgive, and the love you choose to share with me. All in all... Theo James... you never fail to surprise me.

Shai's POV

"Morning." I hear a deep voice say, making me open my eyes to face the day. Rolling onto my back I see Theo sitting at the end of out bed, a cup of what looks like tea in his hands.

"James and I have been wondering when you were going to wake up." Theo teases, making me laugh as I sip from the steaming cup.

I lean against the head post, looking at Theo as he speaks about something-which I'm not really listening to. All I'm hoping is that it isn't too important.

It's been about five months since Theo's parents visited, and James just hit ten months old yesterday. It's crazy how fast time flies, especially when you're in love but even more so when you have a child.

"You didn't hear a word I said did you??" Theo asks, waving a hand in front of my face to capture my attention.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I ask making Theo laugh.

"I asked if I could take you somewhere tonight?" He says.

"That's all you asked? I thought you had more you were talking about." I point out and he shakes his head.

"You have selective hearing." Theo says getting up, and walking out with a small smile left on his face.

I set my tea on the light wood colored nightstand and change into black legging capris, a lavender colored tank top and an open, flowy black sweater.

Pulling my hair up into a bun I walk out into the kitchen to see Theo at the counter reading a book and James in his play pen.

James has learned to crawl and walk fully now, and it's been wonderful having Theo here to see it all. If I'm being honest, the past few months have felt like Theo was here the entire time. Never missed anything with James, even though we all know he did.

"Look who came out of her room." Theo says, closing his book. I walk over to him and he kisses me lightly.

I walk over to pick up James, and can feel Theo following behind me. Taking my son into my arms, he squirms but realizes it's me and settles. I sit on the couch bouncing him on my knee, as Theo sits beside me.

"So where are you taking me tonight?" I ask, facing Theo.

He sends me a look. "You know I never tell you right? This time is no different."

Rolling my eyes I look back to James, who's already changed into red pants and a striped red and white shirt. He has little socks on too, they seem big on his small feet- since some of the fabric hang off his heel.

"Who's going to watch James?" I ask Theo, after a few seconds of silence.

"My sister, she's coming over to babysit." Theo says with a small smile.

Caught off guard I laugh a little. "Why didn't you tell me your sister was in town?"

"I called her a couple days ago and asked her to come here." He explains.

"Why though? I mean, it's just a night out. " I say, getting suspicious of why he'd have his sister travel all this way.

"I promise that any questions you have will get answered and anything that doesn't make sense now... will." Theo tells me, and now I know he's hiding something.

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