Final Author's Note

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Hey all!

I want to thank all of you who have read, voted and commented on this story. It's means a lot! (It means the world on any of my books, just thanking you once more)

This has been quite the journey, even if only for a short story. I had the idea quite a long time ago, just never felt I could write a great story with the idea... and I was so proud of myself when I decided to write it.

It was hard at times to write it, I faced the difficulties of good work and ideas... I wanted the chapters to be something I'd be proud for someone to read.

Thank you all again, for your support and taking your time to read this story. :)

luv to all.❤️

P.S: I have a brand new FourTris short story out that I'd love for you all to check out, called Red Light. Thanks ;)

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