|Chapter 8|

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You make me feel something I can't describe, but I know that it's something I've never felt before. I feel comfortable with you, unafraid of being around you now. Knowing that we're together, and plan on being together for the years ahead of us. I feel better knowing that James will grow up having a father, and a father like you. Someone devoted. Someone who will love him no matter what. And someone who's here to stay.

Shai's POV

"You guys actually--" Keleigh exclaims, and I cut her off before she can finish.

"Shh, and yes." I say, my voice low and trying to keep attention that was once on us, off us.

Theo and James are having a 'Daddy and Son' day, as he put it. And Keleigh and I are having a much needed girls day. Spa. Massages. Lunch. Shopping.

"How was it? "She asks, taking a sip of her water.

I laugh, finishing the bite of my salad before answering. "It was great, and even better since it wasn't when we were drunk." I tell her and she nods- her smile not faltering.

"So is it weird? You know, him suddenly in your life like this??" Keleigh asks, readjusting the strap of her sundress.

"A little. I mean it's definitely different waking up every morning and having another person in the house. But I think it's all a good different." I say, wiping my mouth with my napkin.

"I can see that. It must be nice though having Theo there for James." Keleigh says, reaching for something in her purse but not looking away from me.

"Yes. It's very nice, so that now not every diaper isn't mine to change." I joke.

"But it's nice for James to have his dad now."

"Where were they going today?" Keleigh asks.

"Um, I think he said the park, and shopping." I reply.

"He's never gotten to really buy things for James, so he wanted to go on a 'shopping spree' with him." I explain, and Keleigh laughs.

"I'm sure he did. He's going to spoil that kid Shai." She says, as we get up from our table. Grabbing our purses and leaving tips.

"Yeah, I'm worried about that." I laugh.

"But I think I'm just so thankful he has him now." I add, no matter how much I try to explain it, I don't think I can ever be able to say how thankful I really am that Theo's here for James.


"Please don't tell me that all those bags are things for James." Is the first thing I say as I walk through the front door, at seven o'clock at night.

Theo turns to me, he's in the kitchen cooking and James is in his playpen.

"Not all of them, no." Theo answer, leaning down to kiss my lips. A smile plastered on his face.

I set my own bags down and walk over to say hi to James. It's nice to come home to this, my child and a man who loves me. Someone to meet me at the door, ready to kiss me after our long days.

"We got shirts, pants, socks, onesies, hats, toys, and a blanket. Didn't we James?" Theo says, as I walk over to him. I smooth out my pastel yellow sundress, and smile as I get closer to him.

"He's not commenting." I say. "I can't believe you bought all of that, I mean- where's that all going to go?"

"Relax. Once you see them, you won't even care that there's no room." Theo reasons, and I wrap my arms around his waist from behind. Burying my face into the small of his back, slightly inhaling the intoxicating scent of his cologne, sweat and natural scent.

"It smells good." I mumble into his back, starting to smell whatever it is he's cooking.

The deep rumble of his laughter vibrates my face, as I pull back.

"Thank you." Theo replies, and James begins to whine. So I go over and see that he's hungry. Theo took the last two bottles earlier for him, so I have to nurse him. I go into his room for a bit of privacy, but I guess if I did it out there Theo wouldn't really care.

When he's finished I walk back out, James sleeping in my arms.

Theo has the table set up for us, and I can't help but smile at that. Seeing the effort he put into one of the simplest things.

"He's sleeping." I say. "Should I go ahead and put him in his crib?" I ask Theo.

"I'll do it, you go sit." Theo says, walking over and taking his dozing son in his arms.

I've been trying to let Theo do the things that I normally do for James. Change him, dress him, rock him to sleep. I want him to have the experiences, since he didn't get them when James was born.

"He's out like a light." Theo comments, and I jerk a little, not hearing him come in.

I smile small. "That's good. He's an easy sleeper which is nice." I say, and take a sip of water.

"Is he a deep sleeper? I can't quite tell yet?" Theo asks, spreading his napkin across his lap.

"Yes he is, I mean he wakes up here and there. But overall he's a deep sleeper." I say, as we begin to eat the hot meal Theo made.

"My mother wants to meet him." Theo says, and I almost spit out my food.

"What?!" I ask, making sure I heard right.

"I told my family about James, and they all want to meet him. But my mum is the most excited." Theo explains, and I smile.

I've met his family before-- as a friend and co-star.

This time I'd be meeting them again, as his girlfriend, and the mother of his son. And not to forget, the woman who never told him she was pregnant and kept his son a secret for his fist four months. So all I'm thinking is.. this will go over real well!

"You sure that's a good idea?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't it be? They like you, and are going to love James." Theo says, smiling.

"I know they'll love him, I mean it's your son. It's me I'm worried about. How's it going to go over when they have to look at the woman who hid their grandson from you."

"My parents won't be like that, and if they are I'll explain everything." Theo assures me.

"And I wouldn't call it hiding him." Theo says, taking a bite and taking a moment to chew.

"What would you call it then?" I ask, resting my arms and elbows on the table.

"Protecting. You were protecting yourself from rejection, pain, and overall fear of what i'd say. You protected James from the chance that his father may not want to stay. Or take him altogether." Theo says, and he has a way of taking my stress, my pain, and my worries. And turning them into something that isn't bad, that isn't scary.

He's soothing.

"You view it like that?" I question, making sure he really means that. And isn't just saying it because it's what I want to hear.

"Yeah, I mean if you really didn't want me knowing about him at all. When you told me, first, you wouldn't have. Second, you wouldn't have felt as bad as you did." Theo says.

"Are they planning on coming here??" I ask.

"Yeah, just my parents for right now. And in a couple weeks. I didn't want to take James on a plane for that long yet." Theo says, and I smile.

Theo is the best father I've ever seen, even if it hasn't been long. He's hands on, and his love for James is never ending.

"You're a really good man Theodore James." I tell him, serious within the meaning, but joking with his name.

He smirks, leaning back in his chair. "You're a damn good woman Shailene Woodley."

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