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Shai's POV

Waking up, I feel two little hands patting my face. Opening my eye I see James sitting beside me on the bed, patting my cheeks with his grabby toddler hands.

"Good morning buddy." I smile, kissing his forehead.

James is two and a half now, and growing so much. He loves to talk now, and ever since he learned about running... that's all he does. Running through the halls and down the steps.

I thought he looked so much like Theo as a baby, but now it's like having a miniature one of him in the house. They look completely alike, and they act fairly similar as well. The same chocolate curls-- although still brown has gotten a little lighter-- on his head, big brown eyes and the same sweet smile.

 The same chocolate curls-- although  still brown has gotten a little lighter-- on his head, big brown eyes and the same sweet smile

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"Morning mommy." My boy smiles back at me, showing me his stuffed elephant in his hand.

"Where's daddy?" I ask, sitting up against the headboard. Smiling at my boy.

Once I ask that James begins to giggle, and giggle. "Shhh, it a secret." He says, lifting his pointer finger over his lips to show me to be quiet.

"Oh a secret huh?"

"Yes." He grins, and I know he wants to tell me. The words just aching to come out of his mouth.

"Mommy??" James asks, scooching up closer to me on the bed.

"Yes baby? "I ask, wrapping my arms around his small body. He still wears his miss-match pajamas; he likes to pick out what he wears to bed but chooses something from two different sets to put together. Last night, it was a pair of batman fleece pants and a cookie monster shirt.

"Is sissy coming today?" He asks looking up at me.

I smile, feeling such love when I look at him. That's right. I'm pregnant.

Just reaching nine months along, and we're expecting a girl. We had been trying and trying but never got pregnant. We stopped trying so hard and then one night when it was completely unplanned, we got pregnant.

We were both obviously very excited, Theo I think even more so than I. He missed my pregnancy with James, all the ultrasounds, the shopping, the kicks. He got to finally experience it this time around, and he really wanted a girl if we got pregnant. So that we'd have one of each, a girl for him to spoil and protect. And a boy to do the 'manly' things with, and to bond with.

"I don't know. Do you want to ask her?" I say. James asks me every morning if his baby sister will be coming, and each day I tell him to ask her. He's done this for the past month and a half, so undeniably excited to have a sister.

"Sissy? Are you going to come today?" James asks, bending down near my bulging stomach, and asking his cute little two year old voice.

He then puts his ear to my stomach, waiting for the answer.

James: The Miracle Within My MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now