Chapter 1

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'Ugh, not again,' I sighed. Ever since I went into hiding after the Giant War, she's been trying to find me. Albeit, that was many millennia ago, it still feels like just yesterday sometimes. She's very interested in me, same with her twin brother, but I really don't see why.

I decided to make myself scarce and vapor travelled away. I thought of Chiron, my teacher all those years ago. I think a visit was in order. He deserves to know why I went into hiding. He deserves to know why over half of the world's population will disappear, and everything people know will be destroyed.

I came into tangible world at the top of a hill. Looking down I saw strawberry fields and a camp. 'He must be down there somewhere. Maybe this is that demigod camp they were talking about creating so long ago. Does it move with the gods too?' I thought to myself.

A shout tore me from my thoughts and I see a blonde head of hair sprinting up the hill at me. When it came to a stop, I saw that it was a girl, about my age, well my immortalized age, but still. "Who are you, and what do you want?" she asks.

Behind her comes a boy with black hair and sparking blue eyes. "You a new one," he sneered. Right off the bat I didn't like this kid, but he was a son of my uncle, so no need to be surprised there. I remember when Zeus was actually a nice guy, other than the cheating on his wife stuff. Now he's just an asshole.

"None of your business, children, now, where is your master, Chiron?" I ask.

"Who are you calling kid? You don't look any older than us!" the boy yelled.

I turned my cold gaze on him, "Looks can be deceiving young one. I'm much older than I look. Don't make that mistake again."

The whole time, I could feel the blonde analyzing me. "Chiron's in the Big House. Come on, I'll take you to him."

The boy looked dumbfounded. "You're just going to tell him what he wants? What if he kills Chiron?" The blonde just rolled her eyes and motioned me to follow her. "Well, if you're going, then I'll go, so I can protect you."

"I don't need your protection, Blake. Asking for your protection is like telling an untrained dog not to eat the treat you set in front of him," she said, exasperatedly.

The boy just laughed as if she were joking with him. "Shut up. Both of you. I'm in no mood for games. I came to talk with an old friend, and plan to get out of here before either one of them happens to catch on that I'm here."

The girl frowned, "Who are you talking about?"

I shook my head and heard a door open. "Who is it?" I heard someone ask.

"It's Annabeth, Blake, and some guy that showed up from nowhere. Claims he knows you, Chiron," the girl, presumably Annabeth, said.

Chiron came out, and had to take a step, trot, back. "Perseus?"

"Chiron. It's been a long time."

"Perseus? How? We all thought you were dead, well except--"

"Chiron, don't say their names. As it is, I'm pressed for time. I just barely got away from one not ten minutes ago, and I'd rather not have both on my tail at the same time. Now, can we go somewhere private to chat. I've got something you'd like to hear, and it's not for everyone's ears."

Chiron nodded and lead me into the Big House.

Prince of the Seas, Lord of the Eclipse (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now