Chapter 2

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"What is it, Percy?" Chiron asked me.

"Well, there's a lot to explain, and very little time to do it in. What do you want to know first, about me, or about the prophecy Phoebus Apollo put out?"

"Tell me the prophecy first, bad news always first," he chuckled.

I nodded. "Okay, so the prophecy that you guys got, the one about the child reaching sixteen against all odds or something like that, that was a faux. I made that up and made Apollo swear to keep the real one hidden until I revealed the real one."

Chiron squinted in confusion. "So what's in the real one?"

I recited, "The lost one found, the faded one revealed. He journeys to the goddess bound, his ancient powers unsealed. To fight the Crooked One, time must be reverted some."

Chiron kept a blank face. "Well that's a very interesting prophecy, much shorter than the one you gave to Apollo to tell us."

I nodded. "So, do you want to know what else I got?" Chiron nodded at me to go ahead. "Okay, so about two millennia ago, Artemis actually caught up with me. She trapped me using the powers of the moon to resist my powers of water.

"She told me somethings, I didn't believe her, but now, with my power growing and some weird abilities, I'm not sure she was lying. It's crazy, and I don't want to believe her, mainly because that put things at odds between me and a lot of the gods, but wow."

"What did she tell you Perseus?" he asked again.

I looked him in the eyes and said, "She said I was the rebirth of an old god, Perseus, Lord of the Eclipse."

Chiron's eyes widened. "W-what? died, and...if you were then..."

"Then what?"

"Then, you'd be hunted down and killed yet again."

"I--" I whipped around. "We've got a spy," I snarled. My hand shot out and I used the water in the person's blood to raise them in the air sharply, so sharply, a hat fell off and she became visible. "Why you little, I ought to kill you for listening in on my private conversation. Be happy I'm feeling generous," I snarled.

Woah. I have no idea what just took over me. I devealed into my mind, finding a cage. 'What do you want?' an ancient voice asked.

'Who are you?'

'I am you...before they turned on us...before I attacked our sister and brother, before our father exhiled us for being too powerful. I am Perseus, Lord of the Eclipse, and I - we, bow to no one. Make sure you remember that...because here they come.'

I was confused until I felt twelve really powerful presences appear nearby...well, powerful to the average demigod. I walked outside and there were the Olympians. " really is you? After all these years Perseus. You finally come crawling back," Ares sneered.

I felt the presence in the cage push on my mind, and instead of fighting it, I merged with it. "Ares, I doubt you have any idea who I truly am. Be lucky that I haven't fully recharged my power. The boy just realized who he is, who I am, who we are. But, I still have more than enough power to put you in your place."

Apollo and Artemis took a step toward me. "Is it really you? Are you back?"

I looked at them...regret in my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry, for everything, but when she ordered you to hunt me down, I thought you were going to hurt me. Then when enough time passed, and Apollo was fighting Python, I learned the truth. But, it was too late at that point. The real person to be hated here...just so happens to be a queen. The one who ordered my death. Isn't that right...Hera?"

Hera was shocked. "How did you figure it out?"

"Only one person truly hates us, the other kids of Zeus, and only one specifically hates us three, because together, we are stronger than the entire council. That's you. The rest could really have cared less, because they knew we'd never attack Olympus. But no, you just had to do something stupid. You should consider yourself more lucky than Ares that I haven't gained back my godly form yet...why I have no idea, but I haven't. But remember this, you've made a very dangerous enemy-"

"Make that two- " Artemis said.

"Three," Apollo chimed in. "Never did like you much anyway."

Prince of the Seas, Lord of the Eclipse (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now