Chapter 18

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The honeymoon went smoothly, a not a single monster attacked. Though, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by that. Annabeth was no longer a demigod. When we exchanged vows, she was given a specific cup of nectar that changed her into a minor goddess. She is the goddess of architecture, similar to her mother but more so in the building of structures rather than architecture as a whole.

Also, now that the main line of the that prophecy that I feared was out of the way, there was little that actually scared me. Losing those close to me, yes, I feared that, but who wouldn't?


"Ah, Lord Perseus, Lady Annabeth, welcome home." Chiron stood there smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "What did I tell you about calling me Lord, Chiron? If we really want to go there, you are more of a Lord than I am."

Chiron smiled. "Ah, but I am nothing but a teacher."

"A teacher that guided all the best heroes in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. You're as much entitled to what your students have done as they are."

Chiron chuckled. Perseus was always humble and refused to take credit for anything. "I should expect nothing less than such flattering words from you."

Perseus just grinned in return. "It was great. Honestly, I wish I could have seen more of the homeland, but at least we got to visit Delos. I truly missed it."


Perseus turned and was tackled by a head of spiky black hair. "Thalia, I just got back."

"I'm sorry...Perseus. She just wouldn't wait," came the voice of his blonde haired apprentice.

"It's no problem Luke. No doubt she just wanted to greet me as much as Chiron did. Though, I'm sure someone else is upset that no one has said anything to her yet."

Everyone turned to stare at Annabeth. He laughed as she blushed a bright red color. "Uh, well no, uh I'm just happy to be back is all!" Perseus couldn't stop laughing.

He leaned in and whispered, "It's okay, Love, I know you are jealous they have my attention, but you have me tonight, and every other night for eternity."

If she could, his wife turned even redder and jabbed him so hard in the stomach he wasn't able to breath. Chiron was laughing at their antics while Thalia was glaring at Perseus along with Annabeth, and Luke had a dumbfounded look on his face.

Sorry for such a short chapter. This was mostly just filler until I finish the other book. Then I will pick this back up; hopefully no later than a month from now. And I will air another one of my projects, but this will go from my secondary to main story after I finish the werewolf AU novel. Please don't be mad, and continue to comment! It really is inspiration. Give me ideas, critiques, or anything. It all helps.

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