Chapter 17

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I paced back and forth in front of Chiron's desk; inside the Big House. I was stressed, angry, and now, for the first time in a very long time, unsure of how to proceed.

"My dear boy, you need to calm down and come here. I need to fix your necktie. Your mother would have my head if she knew I allowed you to walk out there like that."

"But Master, this isn't just some simple occasion! I'm getting married for Zeus' sake!"

"Yes, and all the more reason to look presentable. How do you think your mother or your bride would feel if they got dressed up but you couldn't bother to finish your tie? Not to mention your sisters. With Thalia being Annabeth's best friend, and Artemis' normal...reactions, I'd say their tempers would be best left for someone else, Perseus. I know you don't want to be on the receiving end of that many upset women."

I groaned. He was right, but I was so stressed out. I mean, what if this went wrong! What if we got up there and she said no. I wouldn't be able to show my face again. I didn't want anyone else. I had known Annabeth for a short time but already I knew of no one else that could make me feel as she does. It's inconceivable, and honestly, down right scary. She had me, ME an immortal son of both Zeus and Poseidon, scared of how much I cared for her or what might happen to her.

I looked outside where the demigods, gods, and nature spirits who were attending the service all waited. I sighed and Chiron laid a hand on my shoulder. "My boy, you will do fine. Everything will go smoothly. Go, get out there before she thinks you won't show for the ceremony to even start."

I smiled with gratitude at my former mentor and now a dear friend, "Thank you, old friend. I expect you will look after the campers for the few days I shall be gone?" Chiron but nodded, as if already expecting this question. "Alright, then, I shall see you next at the alter. Is the ring–"

"I have it, Perseus. Now go," he said, a bit more sternly, still with a smile. I laughed and held my hands up in surrender as I walked to the door.


"I do."

Those two words. I never thought two words would make my world change. I smiled, as if nothing could tear me down. And in fact, nothing could anymore. With my beloved by my side, my brother and sister as well, and the rest of my family and friends, nothing could stand in my way. Not even my power hungry and insane grandfather.

I gathered Annabeth in my arms and kissed her, not even waiting for which ever person who was overseeing the wedding to say that I was "allowed" to kiss her. It could have been my father and I still wouldn't have known who it was. The only one I had eyes for, was her. No one else mattered. I had hardly recognized Chiron as he handed me the ring, or Thalia as she did the same for Annabeth. I do remember my groomsmen, only for the fact I had chosen them, and her bridesmaids because she had told me in advance.

It was Chiron, Apollo, and Luke for myself, and Thalia, Athena, and Artemis for her. I was both surprised and pleased when she chose my sister as a bridesmaid, even if she was the last one. It looked like we both had unexpected people because she had been surprised when I chose Luke, though I don't know why. I mean, I was training the guy, so it had to be obvious that I considered him as close to a friend as a mortal and immortal could get. Speaking of which, that would have to change after the war. I had no intentions of letting Thalia go, and she would never forgive me if I didn't do the same for him. Sooo.....I would have to visit the Garden. It was the only option for both of them.

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