Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

I woke up to a pair of soft lips placing a light kiss on my own, I could get used to this. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful husband in front of me, his blue eyes looking right into mine as he grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Good morning Hazza."

"Good morning beautiful, ready for another day at work?"

"As long as I'm with you it shouldn't be a problem."

"I love you loubear."

"I love you too Haz."

I kissed his soft lips again and dragged the kiss on for as long as I could until he pulled away and smirked at me.

"I have to take a shower, you will have to wait."

"Or I could join you," I said cheekily.

"Or you could make coffee!"

He walked off and shook his ass on purpose knowing it drives me crazy when I see him like that. I groaned and went downstairs to the kitchen and made our coffee just like Louis likes it and then started to sip mine, when Louis came down I smiled and kissed him again, I just love him so much.

"I'm going to go shower, we can pick up some scones at Starbucks or something and have a little breakfast date in our office, no one will know if we're doing work or not."

"I like the sound of that mr.stylinson."

"I love the way our last names sound together."

"Me too, now go shower before were late!"

I chuckled at his seriousness and need to be on time for work as I ran up the stairs and into our bathroom where I could smell Louis' fresh aftershave. I smiled at the familiar scent and quickly climbed into the shower and washed myself before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist. I stood in the mirror and began brushing my hair when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a face was set in the crook of my neck.

"Couldn't go that long without me could you babe?"

"Are you complaining?"

"Not at all."

I turned my head a bit so I could kiss his temple causing him to giggle that adorable one of a kind giggle.

"You make me so happy Louis."

"You make me happy too Harry, always."

I kissed him again before finally drying my hair and then put on my pants and button up along with a tie. I smiled at my professional looking outfit even though I wish I could wear sweatpants, oh what I would give to be a teenager again and to wear sweatpants all day. I'm only 25 and Louis is 26 but we're still some of the biggest businessmen in the world, I don't even know why we go to work, most things could be done at home and we might have to visit the office once or twice a week. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and went downstairs to where Louis was waiting with his briefcase.

"Well don't you look sexy."

"As do you Haz, as do you."

I pecked his lips again before walking out to the car with him and sitting in the drivers seat of our Range Rover. I started driving and then pulled into the Starbucks drive thru to order a scone for Louis along with tea, and a muffin for me along with tea. I drove to the pick up window and grabbed everything and handed it to Louis and then finished paying. He pecked my lips and then we drove to work, Stylinson inc. Me and Louis used to work for the same company but we branched off to start our own when we started dating three years ago, yes we did get married after one year but sometimes you can just feel it when something is right. I got out of the car and grabbed Louis' hand and we walked inside waving at fellow coworkers until we reached our office.

I sat at my desk which was next to Louis' as we talked about just random things until a knock on the door interrupted us.

"Come in!" I yelled.

My assistant Jean walked in with a smile on her face as usual.

"Hello mr. And mr.stylinson, I have a rather important visitor for you Harry, she would like to speak with you in private."

"Tell her Louis will be staying too and then send her in."

She nodded and left and I turned to Louis.

"What do you think that's about?" He asked.

"Well we are about to find out."

I heard footsteps and then a door opened to a lady with black hair and brown eyes wearing high heels, a crop top, and a short skirt, not really the way you would normally dress for a business job if you ask me.

"Hello, I'm Harry Stylinson and this is my husband Louis Stylinson, what can I do for you?"

"Oh I know exactly who you are, didn't think you were gay Styles?"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Your twenty first birthday, me and you hooked up at a club, you being the idiot drunk you are didn't have a condom but we both decided we didn't need one, I've been looking for you for almost four years trying to give you back what's yours."

"Kianna! I remember you but what do you mean give me back what's mine?"

"Zayn! Get your ass in here!"

I heard the wiggling of someone trying to open the door but she just rolled her eyes and opened the door making a boy who looked no older than three fall on his face.

"Get up you little punk! This is Zayn, your son Harry, you can keep him or put him up for adoption but I'm done raising him!"

With that Kianna threw a folder on my desk and was gone and the little boy who fell was sobbing on the floor, I got up and went over to him and picked him up.

"Hi buddy are you okay? That was a nasty fall huh?"

He nodded and wiped his tears.

"Mumma gwone?" He asked followed by a yawn.

"Why don't you take a nap in my super fun chair!"

I placed the light boy on my desk chair and reclined it and then covered him with my jacket, before I knew it he was asleep. I turned around and looked at Louis with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry Lou this was before I met you I hope you know that!"

"Hazza it's okay I know you would never cheat on me, we will get through this but he is definitely your kid."

"Louis he doesn't even look like me."

"I can tell he will have slight dimples, and his face when he cries is the exact same as yours, he seems sweet, and I want you to know I'm okay with all of this."

"Would you be upset if I wanted to keep him?"

"Why on earth would I be upset? He's your son Harry, I'm encouraging you to keep him, maybe we weren't planning to have a kid around the house but life is full of surprises."

"Our son."


"He's not my son Louis, he's our son, we're gonna take care of him together, this is the beginning of our own little family."

"Yea, our perfect little family."

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