Chapter 20

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"Baba?" Eric asked from his seat.

"Yea bub?"

"Snacks?" He asked.

"Of course, we have animal crackers or fruit snacks."

"Fruities!!" Eric cheered.

"Okay," Louis chuckled, "What about you Zee?"

"animal crackers please."

Louis nodded and gave Zayn a juice box and his animal crackers then filled a sippy cup with juice for Eric and put his fruit snacks in a no spill container and handed it to him.

"How much longer daddy?" Zayn asked.

"About two more hours bub."

"Dats a lots of minutes," Eric said as he examined the shape of his fruit snack.

"It's 120 minutes Eric!" Zayn said proudly.

"Well look at you my little mathematician!" Harry said.

"I'm the smartest person here! Except daddy and baba," Zayn said.

"I smarts too! See this a fishy!" Eric said showing Zayn his fruit snack.

"No Eric, that's a turtle!" Zayn said.

"A turtle is a fishy! Silly ZeeZee!" Eric said.

"No it's not Eric, you're just not smart yet," Zayn said not purposely trying to offend him.

"I smarts, I almost knows my abc's right daddy?"

"Of course baby, you're my smart baby boy."

"I shows ZeeZee! A D C B P F G I H L K O J T!"

"That's not the alphabet Eric, you forgot half the letters and they not in the right order. You not smart yet!"

Eric frowned and tears started to well up in his eyes at he looked down and sniffled making Zayn look down at him.

"I didn't want to make you cry Eric, you're not smart yet because you're small, when you're big like me you will be smart too!"

"Really?" Eric asked looking up.

"Yup! But you're the smartest baby I know!"

"I not baby! I almosts five!"

Zayn just smiled and gave his baby brother a hug as best they could while in car seats and just continued random conversation.

"We need to talk about what you want to do for your birthday babe. It's in a month!" Louis said to Eric.

"I wants to get a puppy for me and ZeeZee!" Eric said.

"Are you sure that there is nothing else you want to do?" Harry asked hoping Eric had another answer.


Harry sighed and Louis gave him a "we'll talk about it later", look and they dropped the subject and continued driving while Eric and Zayn talked about puppy names.

Two hours later Harry and Louis smiled as they pulled into their beach house with a small private beach that they had all to themselves.

"We're here!!" Zayn cheered waking up Eric who was sleeping beside him.

Eric face shriveled up as he started to cry because he hated being woken up, especially when he wakes up from someone scaring him.

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