Chapter 24

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"Okay boys it's time to write our letters to Santa!" Harry said as him and Louis set up paper and different colored markers.

"Cans you write mines for me baba?" Eric asked running over.

"Of course baby," Louis said picking him up and setting him down in his lap.

"I can write mine daddy, I just need help spelling," Zayn said.

"If you have trouble with a word I will write it and you can copy it," Harry said.

Zayn began writing but realized it was messy, he put down his pencil and looked down.

"What's wrong bub?" Harry asked taking him into his lap.

"It's not pretty daddy," Zayn said as a tear fell.

"I think it is absolutely beautiful, you did a fantastic job!"

"Can you please write for me? My hand hurts," Zayn poured.

"Okay baby, just tell me what to write."

"I want a Star Wars Lego set, hot wheels, karaoke machine, board games, a pogo stick like my friend Billy has, movies, a transformer, and a batman t shirt!"

Zayn began listing things off while Eric started to think of what he wanted.

"Eric wants a stuffeds animal!" He cheered.

"You can ask for more things baby, you have been very good this year," Louis said.

Eric smiled and told Louis about a couple more things he wanted and then both boys were finished with their letters.

Harry quickly took pictures of both and then helped the boys put the letters in envelopes.

"Okay boys, now we are going to go visit santa!" Harry cheered.

"Really daddy?!" Zayn asked.

"Yup! Now go put your coats and shoes on!"

The boys quickly ran to get their jackets on only needing a little bit of help and then they were all in the car on the way to the mall. When they arrived Harry carried Eric while Louis held Zayn's hand and they made their way into the mall.

They got to the area where Santa was taking pictures and Zayn was already bouncing in place, not being able to contain his excitement.

"Okay boys, you will both get in line and when it's your turn you're going to put your letters in that little mailbox and then take a picture with Santa!" Louis explained.

Harry and Louis got in the short line with the boys and in about two minutes it was already Zayn's turn. He ran up and put his letter in the box then ran into Santa's arms. He had a full on conversation with the man before his picture was taken and then he was placed on the ground where he ran over to Louis.

"Okay Eric, it's your turn bub," Harry said as he went to place him down.

Eric whimpered and clung to Harry so Harry decided to go with Eric, however as they got closer Eric began to cry and soon enough he was bawling.

"I think we're going to hold off until next year," Harry said to Louis who nodded.

Harry and Louis took the boys out but Eric still got a candy cane even though he didn't see Santa.

"Shhh calm down bub, you'll be okay," Harry said cuddling him close.

"Why didn't Eric see Santa daddy?" Zayn asked.

"I think he's just a bit scared, but he will be okay, and we can try again next year."

*Christmas Morning*

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! SANTA CAME! SANTA CAME!" Zayn screamed running into Harry and Louis' room with a half asleep Eric holding his hand.

"Good morning my babies, merry Christmas!" Harry cheered while Louis grunted.

Eric walked over to Louis and held his arms up.

"I know bubba, I'm tired too, your daddy and Zayn are always energetic in the morning," Louis said picking Eric up and placing him next to himself on the bed.

"Okay Zee, me and you will go make breakfast while Baba and Eric try to wake up, after we eat breakfast we can do stockings and then presents!"

Zayn smiled and ran downstairs with Harry while Louis pulled Eric into his side.

"Merry Chistmas baba," Eric said softly and a bit raspy.

"Merry Christmas baby boy," he replied and kissed his head and frowned as he pulled back.

"Oh sweetheart you're burning up, do you not feel well?"

Eric shook his head up and down just before letting out a string of coughs. Louis frowned and swaddles him in a blanket then carried him downstairs to the kitchen where breakfast was ready.

"Hey babe, we made waffles!" Harry said.

Louis was about to reply but Eric started to cough again and then whimpered because it hurt his throat.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked.

"I think he may have the flu, we'll see how he he today and then take him to the doctors tomorrow if he gets worse."

"I'll hold him while you eat your breakfast," Harry said as he took Eric into his arms and sat  down.

The rest of them ate breakfast but Eric was refusing to eat or drink anything until Louis got an idea. He rummaged around in the cabinets and found an old baby bottle that he didn't even know they had and filled it with some warm milk and then mixed a bit of honey into it.

"Look what baba has for you Eric," Harry said.

Eric looked up and Louis took him into his arms and placed the bottle into his mouth. Eric began to drink and had about half of it until he pushed away.

"Okay, I say we open some stockings!" Harry said.

Zayn nodded and ran over and they all sat on the couch and Louis handed out stockings. Zayn got some candy, a super ball, some toy cars, a McDonald's gift card, some glow sticks, silly putty, and a toy football in his stocking. Eric got a mini juniors legs kit, some pacifiers since Louis and Harry have noticed him sucking on his shirts at night, a McDonald's gift card, some socks, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and a crazy 8s card game.

Louis and Harry had filled each other's stallings and they just got each other small things like razors, shaving cream, gift cards, and gum and candy.

Louis placed Eric on the ground next to his presents and sat next to him while Harry sat with Zayn and then told the boys they could beginning opening them. Eric needed a little help but overall they loved their presents. They got similar things so no one would be jealous, they got different movies, board games for their respective ages, Eric got stuffed animals while Zayn got action figures and Pokémon cards, they even got their own movie players and headphones for when they go on trips. The final gift was something the whole family could enjoy, which was a wii, and they each got about four games for it.

Harry started to clean up the wrapping paper but Louis stayed with Eric and held him because he began to cry again. Overall, it was a successful Christmas.

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