Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

"Yea Simon, it's me," he said placing his hand onto Simon's while sitting next to him.

"You know that I'm not gonna make it so I need a huge favor Haz, I want to I've custody of Eric to you and Louis, please be his new dads for me, I know it's a lot to ask b-"

"Simon, of course, we will take Eric in just as our own," Harry said cutting him off with tears falling down his face.

"I don't want him growing up without parents, so have him call you guys his dad's and just remind him he has three dads and a mom now, please."

"Of course, he'll be in good hands."

"I know he will, you've been a great friend Harry, you and Louis both, and one more thing, make sure when they sell my house, that they don't do anything cheap with it, because all of that money is going towards trust funds for Eric and Zayn, you hear?"

"Yea, I do, now do you want me to get Eric?"

"Yes, please do."

Harry got up and went back to see Eric and Zayn awake both extremely confused while Louis held them trying not to cry.

"Hey Eric come with me for a second," Harry said.

He picked Eric up and carried him to Simon's room and his heart broke when he saw Eric's face drop.

"Daddy?" He asked.

"Hi baby boy, come here," he said reaching his arms out.

Harry placed Eric next to Simon on the bed and Simom smiled at his son.

"Daddy where's mommy? And where's my new sister? And why are you hurt?"

"Buddy mommy and daddy got in a car accident and mommy and your baby sister didn't make it."

"T-they're gone?"

"I'm so sorry bub, I'm so sorry."

Eric had tears falling down his face has Simon stroked his face.

"I need to tell you something, Daddy is very sick, which means he has to go be with Mommy and your baby sister."

"You're leaving too?" Eric asked now in a fit of tears.

"I wish I didn't have to, but I will be okay and I will watch over you every single day, and Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis are going to be your new daddies."

"B-but I want you to be my daddy."

"Eric I was always be your daddy, and mommy will always be your mommy, but now you will have three daddies and one mommy."

"Don't go daddy please don't go."

"I'm sorry Eric I'm so sorry," Simon said as the tears fell down my face.

I couldn't even control my own tears as I watched the heartbreaking sight in front of me.

"One more thing Eric, I want you to name your baby sister, can you do that?"

"Yes, mommy liked the name Elizabeth, so now we both have names that start with the same letter."

"What about her middle name?"

"My middle name is John so her's can be Jillian."

"Eric John Cowell and Elizabeth Jillian Cowell, those are the names of my beautiful children, I love you so much Eric."

"I love you too daddy."

"Harry can you get Zayn and Louis?"

I nodded and went back to see Louis holding Zayn who had small tears trickling down his face meaning Louis explained everything to him.

"Come on guys, let's go," I said taking Zayn from Louis and grabbing Louis' hand.

"Well if it isn't my favorite nephew?" Simon said motioning for me to place Zayn on the bed.

"Zayn you and Eric have to take care of each other now alright?"

"Is Eric my brother now?"

"Yea he is, so you need to annoy him just like an older brother should."

Zayn nodded and held one of Simon's hands and one of Eric's.

"Okay I want to take a picture with you boys so put the biggest smiles you can on those little faces, I want to remember having a happy son and nephew alright?"

Eric and Zayn put on the biggest smiles they could as I took the picture.

Over the next hour we could tell it was almost time, Simon could not talk as much his breaths were shorter and slower and I think Eric noticed. However Zayn was oblivious but I had Louis take Zayn out knowing what was soon to happen.

"H-Harry, can you t-take E-Eric o-out," he whispered.

I nodded and was about to lift him up but Eric just held closer to Simon refusing to let go, it all happened so fast and Simon just held him until his eyes closed and his heart monitor flat lined.

"NO DADDY! DONT GO! DONT LEAVE!" Eric was screaming with tears coming down his face.

I held the doctors off for five more minutes until Eric calmed himself down and gave his dad one last hug.

"I love you daddy," he said kissing his head and then turned to me.

I picked him up and held him close as he cried into my shoulder and the Nurses took his body away.

"I-I miss him," Eric said.

"I miss him too buddy, but it's okay because him and your mommy and Elizabeth are watching you right now. Me and Louis will be your daddies, we will take care of you, I promise. We're here for you."

Eric nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck and carefully fell asleep. I walked back to the waiting room where Louis was holding a sleeping Zayn considering it was only 4 am.

"Let's stop by Eric's house and grab his stuff so he doesn't have to go back," I said.

Louis nodded and we drove to his house where we left the kids asleep on a couch and grabbed a couple suitcases and filled it with most of his stuff. Five suitcases later all that was left was a bed which a moving company would bring and I grabbed some of Simon's and Lauren's sweatshirts, One of Simon's bracelets, and one of the stuffed animals that was supposed to be for the baby for Eric to have. I wanted Eric to have something to remember his parents by, he didn't deserve to have all of their stuff packed away for him to never see again.

We had everything so we put the suitcases in the car and then put the still sleeping boys in the car. The first thing we did when we got home was put everyone in our big bed and go to sleep.

I woke up to see Zayn and Louis' spots in the bed empty and Eric cuddled into my side, I kissed the sleeping boy's head and checked my phone to see a text from Louis telling me that he took Zayn out for the day so that I could help Eric get comfortable.

I read through emails on my phone when I felt Eric start to wake up, I looked down to see his brown eyes looking up at me.

"It wasn't a dream," he whispered.

I sighed and pulled him onto lap.

"No it wasn't buddy, I'm sorry."

Tears fell from his face and I knew that it would be a little bit before he got back to his normal self, but the least I could do was try to make it a little happier and easier.

"How about some breakfast? And then we could cuddle a bit and maybe start setting up your bedroom?"

He nodded and and I grabbed a tissue and wiped his eyes then took him to the kitchen where I made him smiley face pancakes managing to get one smile out of him this morning.

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