Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV

Daddies and me just finished dinner and I'm so excited because they said they have friends coming over and that they will play with me!

"Zaynie come here!" Baba said.

I smiled and waddled over to Daddy and Baba who were in the kitchen.

"Do you want some dessert before our friends get here?"

No ones POV

"What dwessewt?"

"Dessert can be anything, the usually have lots of sugar in it, how about we try some ice cream yea?" Harry said.

Zayn nodded eagerly, he had no idea what they were talking about but he knew it had to be good. Louis took a small bowl and scooped some vanilla ice cream in it and then added some jimmies and handed it to Zayn with a spoon.

"There ya go buddy, eat up!"

Zayn smiled and took a huge scoop and shoved it in his mouth smiling at the taste.

"Wummy! Zwayn wike dis!"

Louis and Harry laughed at the ice cream and jimmies covering his face and then took a picture, Zayn finished his ice cream so Louis wiped his face and hands and then the bell rang. Harry picked up Zayn and all of them went to the door to greet Liam and Niall, the door opened and Zayn hid his face at the sight of the strange men and Louis welcomed them in.

"Come on in guys!"

"Oh are you guys babysitting?" Liam asked as he walked inside with Niall.

"Actually, Zayn is our son, at my birthday party before I met Louis, the girl Kianna I met got pregnant and didn't tell me and decided to drop Zayn off today, so we have a son, surprise?!"

"I for one think he is adorable!" Niall said making Zayn giggle.

"Yew tawlk fwunny Mwister!"

Niall laughed and then Louis introduced them to Zayn.

"Zee this is your Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall, can you say hi?"

"Hewwo! I Zwayn!"

"It's nice to meet you Zayn! How old are you?" Liam asked taking Zayn into his arms.

"Zwayn fwee, awmost fwour!"

"Woah! You're so big!"

Zayn smiled and giggled at all the adults absolutely loving the attention that he was receiving, he never had love or attention before and now that he had it he was content.

"Uncwe Nwail?" Zayn asked pointing to Niall.

"Almost buddy, that's uncle Niall, can you say Niall?" Harry asked.


"I guess it's uncle nail now!" Liam said making Niall put on a fake pout.

"Uncwe Wiam?"

Zayn pointed at Liam and Liam replied by nodding and smiling and then Zayn pointed at himself.


Everyone laughed and Zayn joined in laughing although he had no idea what was going on at all and why they were laughing. All the sudden Zayn stopped laughing and made his mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

"What's up Zee?" Harry asked.

"Zwayn mwade a bwoom bwoom, pwease dwont well?"

"Zaynie don't worry, I won't yell I can just change you! It's alright there's nothing to be scared of, you don't have to be scared here I promise!" Harry assured.

Harry excused himself and took Zayn from Liam's arms and then took him upstairs to his bedroom and laid him down before quickly changing him and then taking him to the bathroom.

"Hey Zayn, do you see that mini toilet over there?" Harry asked pointing to the potty training toilet.

"I swee!"

"It's kind of like a game, anytime you feel that you need to pee or poop you run in here and go in your own potty, and then every time you do it you get a prize! And eventually you won't need your diapers anymore, okay?"

"Zwaynie gwet pwize?"

"If you go in your toilet you do!"


Harry smiled and carried Zayn downstairs before putting him down and letting him run over to Louis to share the good news.

"Baba! Dwaddy sway if Zwayn pwee pwee and pwoopswies in pwotty Zwayn gwets a pwize!"

"That's great buddy! I bet you're going to have a lot of prizes right?"

Zayn nodded vigorously before toddling over to the coffee table where there was a bowl filled with fake colorful rocks, as the adults talked Zayn dumped all of the rocks onto the floor and just started to play with them, he was about to put them in his mouth when Harry saw him and ran over.

"Oh no Zaynie, we don't eat these!"

Harry quickly started to put the rocks back in the bowl while tears welled up in Zayn's  eyes.

"Zwayn sowwy!" He squealed as tears fell down his face.

"Don't cry Zee, it's okay I'm not mad, I just didn't want you to get hurt," Harry said taking the young boy into his lap.

"I bwe gwood! nwo hwit!"

Everyone's mouths dropped open when Zayn said this, who in their right mind hits a child especially one as small, young, and sweet as Zayn.

"Zayn we will never hurt you, we aren't upset, you were just playing and you didn't know it was wrong to put those in your mouth. Me and Daddy promise not to hurt you," Louis said.

Zayn's cries stopped and he rubbed his eyes then looked at Harry and Louis who pulled him into a hug making him smile.

"Zwaynie wuv daddy and baba!"

"We love you too."

They pulled away and Zayn stood up like nothing had happened and ran over to a toy that was on the floor and started playing with it when he got distracted by something. He smiled and started running over to Louis and Harry's cat, Lucy.

"Pwetty," Zayn said while petting her black fur.

"That's Lucy Zayn, she loves when you scratch behind her ears," Niall said crouching in front of them.

Zayn smiled and gently scratched behind the cat's ears as everyone watched in a amazement, they have never seen a toddler that was so gentle and kind when it came to animals, usually children are rough and get too excited but Zayn acted as if Lucy was the world's most precious diamond.

Zayn spent an hour with the cat and by the time he was done Liam and Niall had left and it was time for bed.

"Okay Zayn, time for bed, do you wanna sleep in your bed or with daddy and baba?"

"Dwaddy and baba!"

They smiled as they took Zayn and Lucy up to their bed with Zayn in the middle and Lucy snuggled up at the end of the bed.

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