Chapter 6

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3rd person POV

Today Harry decided that needed to have a fun day because they had been cooped up in the house all week, he woke up at seven am and turned off his alarm so Louis would not wake up and went downstairs. He ordered all day passes for the zoo and entertainment park online which were fifty percent off because of some Easter special and then packed a bag with lunch and towels because they have a mini water park inside it. Once he finished that he began to make French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and fruit salad making sure to put a bit of powdered sugar on Zayn's French toast because it's the only way he will eat it.

Harry walked upstairs and into his and Louis' bedroom where his husband lay sleeping soundly and Harry almost didn't want to wake him up from his peaceful slumber. He watched him for a couple minutes before slowly leaving over and planting small kisses from his bare chest all the way to his lips. Louis smiled and opened his eyes kissing Harry before sitting up and stretching.

"Go wake up Zayn, I have a big day planned!"

Louis rolled his eyes as he watched his husband run out of the room and tried to think of what could possibly be in store for today. After cracking his back and splashing his face to wake himself up a little more, Louis went across the hall where Zayn was sitting up in his bed with his hair all over the place while playing with his hands.

"Hey there little man! How is my boy today?"

"I good baba!"

"Well that's great, how about we get you changed and then go downstairs because daddy says he has a big surprise for us!'

"I wike supwises!"

Louis chuckled and picked up Zayn and quickly changed his diaper into a pull up before putting his pajama pants on, as he turned around to throw away the dirty diaper Zayn decided to rip off his shirt making Louis laugh when he turned back around.

"And may I ask what you're doing you little booger?"

"I wook wike dwaddy and baba! Nwo shirt!"

Louis chuckled and picked Zayn up then carried him downstairs where Harry was sitting at the table pouring orange juice for everyone.


"Good morning bub!" Harry said taking Zayn from Louis and kissing his cheek before placing him in his seat.

"Well where are we going? Me and Zayn are dying to know, right zee?"

Zayn didn't even look up because he was too busy enjoying his breakfast making Harry and Louis laugh.

"Well we are going to the entertainment center with the zoo and the water park inside of it!"

That was enough for Zayn's head to shoot right up and start smiling and cheering about how happy he was all throughout breakfast. When they finished Louis and Harry were quick to change into their swim shorts with a t-shirt and then put Zayn in his swim shorts but he would not put on the t-shirt.

"Why don't you want to wear this shirt Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Bwecause dwaddy and baba hwave gween shwirts so I nweeds one two!"

Harry smiled and nodded pulling out a green shirt and then Louis went to the closet and came back with a pair of mini sunglasses.

"Here, now you look exactly like baba and daddy," Louis said as he put them on Zayn's face.

Zayn smiled and let Harry put on his shoes and then ran to the stairs, carefully slowed down so he could walk down them, and then continued running until he reached the front door. He turned around and frowned when he couldn't see Harry or Louis and tears started to fill his eyes, By the time Louis and Harry came down Zayn was sitting on the floor silently crying.

"Hey baby what's with all the tears?" Louis asked as he picked Zayn up.

"I fought dwaddy and baba weft," he said clutching to Louis chest while Harry rubbed his back.

"Oh buddy, you were so fast running down those stairs that baba and daddy couldn't even keep up with you," Harry said and started tickling the boy.

Zayn giggled and rubbed his eyes and that was clue to Louis and Harry that they were good to go, Louis took zayn out to the car and strapped him in his booster seat and then got in the passenger seat next to Harry  who started to drive off. When they arrived Zayn was bouncing in his seat so much that Harry had to stop him m before he threw up his breakfast.

"Okay so we're going to go to the zoo first, then to the picnic tables for lunch, and then to the water park."


Zayn grabbed each of his dads' hands and they walked to the entrance where Harry showed the passes and then they walked over to the zoo where r get away Zayn saw the pandas.

"Wook! Pandas!"

Louis took out his camera and immediately started taking pictures of Zayn running up to the glass and trying to get the panda's attention. After a long time of looking at all the animals Zayn was getting hungry and his feet were starting to hurt so he carefully tugged on Louis' shorts.


"Yes baby?"

"May fweet hwut!"

"I guess it's time for some lunch then right Haz?"

"Yup, let's go over to the picnic tables!"

The family made their way over to the picnic tables but Zayn had to sit on Harry's lap because he was too short to sit alone.

"For you Zayn I packed a yummy peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, some cheese it's, and some cucumber slices but you have to eat all of your cucumbers if you want ice cream later."

"Otay daddy!"

Harry took out the salads he packed for himself and Louis and they both started eating occasionally laughing about something Zayn did or just having small talk. Soon they were all finished and were making their way to the locker room to change Zayn's diaper into a swim diaper, Louis applied sunscreen to him while Harry put floaties on Zayn's arms and then they were ready to go. They first went to the kiddie wave pool and since it was almost four pm most of the younger children had left so they had the kids area to themselves.

Harry and Louis sat down in the shallow area and watched as Zayn ran around the small pool squealing when a tiny wave crashed onto him.

"Cwome swim wif mwe baba and dwaddy!"

Louis and Harry smiled and played with Zayn until he was started to get tired and he was starting to tan meaning his sunscreen is wearing off. They bought Zayn a small ice cream and by the time they got to the car half of it was gone and he was asleep in Louis' arms.

They arrived home and changed Zayn before putting him in bed for a late nap and giving Harry and Louis some alone time.

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you too boo."

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