Chapter 12

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*2 years later*

Not much has changed in the lives of Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Zayn is now 6 years old and is in kindergarten, he has two best friends, one named josh and the other named Eric whose parents are good friends with Harry and Louis. As of a year ago Liam and Niall started dating which Harry and Louis said that they saw it coming. One thing that has changed is that since Zayn was only 3 he doesn't remember ever being with his mother, he believes that he was with Harry and Louis his whole life, And Harry and Louis liked it that way.

It was a Saturday and Zayn was very excited because they were all going to his best friend Eric's house for a barbecue. He put on some jeans and a t-shirt then ran downstairs where Louis was covering some cookies with plastic wrap.

"Baba! I need help!"

"What do you need help with babes?"

"My shoes!"

Louis smiled and quickly tied Zayn's shoes then gave him a kiss on the head.

"Okay Zee, daddy is already in the car, let's get going!"

Zayn cheered and ran out to the car with Lpuis following behind him and got in his booster seat. He buckled up and they were soon on their way, when they reached the house Zayn got out and grabbed each of his dad's' hands and they went to the door and knocked.

"Welcome guys! How are you?" Simon asked as he answered the door and let them in.

"Great! How have you guys been?" Harry asked even though it's only been a couple days since they last saw each other.

"We're doing good, happy that it's summer, right Eric?" Simon asked the boy who came into the room.

"Yea!" He replied before grabbing Zayn's hand and running to the play structure in the backyard.

"Well we can go to the patio while the boys play."

Simon led them outside where Lauren was pouring drinks for everyone.

"Louis, Harry, how are you guys?"

"Doing good Lauren, How is baby number two coming along?" Harry asked the 7 month pregnant lady.

"Oh she's a kicker that's for sure!"

They all laughed and took a seat at the table under the umbrella while Zayn and Eric played in the sand box.

"Hey Zaynie! Guess what I heard my daddy say?"


"He said that only Uncle Harry is your real daddy."

"No, I have baba and daddy!"

"He said that Uncle Louis isn't your real daddy, he just married Uncle Harry so he is kind of your daddy."

Eric was 4 months younger than Zayn and pretty smart for his age, but he didnt really have a filter like most kids at his age don't.

All Zayn could think about was how he kept asking Louis for things a daddy should do when Louis isn't his daddy, he felt guilty. Zayn frowned and a tear slipped down his cheek making Eric drop everything. Even though they are only 6, well Zayn is 6 Eric is 5 1/2, Eric and Zayn have soft spots for each other and always protect each other.

"Shhh, Zaynie it's okay, it's nothing to cry over I promise!" Eric said as he wiped away his tear and kissed his cheek.

Zayn gave a half smile and hugged Eric but continued to remain quiet and a bit sad. As the night continued Zayn remained a bit quiet but he was with Eric the whole time so his dad's didn't notice. When it was time to leave they figured he was just tired so Harry lifted him up and put him in the car hoping he would take a small nap because 5 is too early for him to go to bed.

However Zayn wasn't tired at all, but when they got in the house he went right to his room and got paper and crayons. Harry and Louis watched TV on the couch assuming he was sleeping but knew otherwise when Zayn came downstairs with his head down.

"Hey Zaynie, do you want a snack?" Louis asked holding out a bowl of popcorn.

That just made Zayn frown more, because now a man that isn't even his father is being forced to share his snack with him. Zayn slowly walked over and handed Louis a card then walked to the kitchen.

Louis and Harry looked at it weirdly before opening it and seeing that the words I'm Sorry with Zayn's attempt at a signature and a big heart.

"I'll go see what this is about, they probably broke something at Simon's," Louis said.

"Hey Zaynie, what was this card about?" Louis asked as he sat next to Zayn at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry."

"For what bubba?"

Zayn sat there confused, wouldn't Louis know what he was sorry for?

"Eric told me that you weren't my real daddy, but I've been making you do things for me that only my daddy should have to do. I'm sorry."

Louis was a bit shocked but quickly recovered and brought Zayn onto his lap.

"Zee, I may not be your birth dad but I love you so much, and I did sign the papers to adopt you, so you are mine and I am yours and nothing is ever going to change that. As long as I love you which I always will I will always be your dad, okay?"

Zayn nodded a bit and put his head on Louis' chest and trying his best to wrap his little arms around him. Louis chuckled and held Zayn close, Harry who had been listening the whole time walked in and kissed his husband and his son's head.

"Daddy you can sleep in my bed tonight, I'm sleeping with baba."

"I think there is enough room for all of us Zee," Harry said ruffling his hair.

"Okay, but I get to be next to baba!"

"I guess I can deal with that."

"Yay! I love you daddy and baba!"

"Love you too bubba," Louis said.

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