Chapter 9

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3rd person POV

It was that time of year again, the last week of May, which meant it was time for the boys' annual vacation. They always had the best times on these trips just being a group of guys without worrying about work. They of course did not feel at all comfortable leaving Zayn behind, so it was no question when they decided to bring the toddler with them, especially since Zayn's birthday falls during their trip on May 29th. (I changed The birthdays around).

"Are you excited to go to Hawaii buddy?" Niall asked as he helped Zayn pack because Harry and Louis were busy packing.

"Wes! I wan' swim wif da fwishies!"

"Don't worry, you're gonna swim with so many fishes that you will be sick of them when it's time to come home."


Meanwhile in Louis and Harry's room they were having one more serious conversation before their carefree vacation.

"Did you call the preschool and schedule a screening? It's important that we do this early so he gets a spot," Louis explained.

"Yes I did, his screening is June 15th at two pm at the preschool in room A. Also known as the bumble bee room, would you also like to know the zip code or are we all set?" Harry asked.

"Don't get sassy with me, we don't want to leave our son behind."

"I know love, I'm just messing with you."

Harry walked over to Louis and wrapped his arms around the shorter man's waist and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm so in love with you Louis, you drive me crazy."

"I love you too Harry, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, well except for Zayn, but you two are tied for that one."

Harry chuckled at his rambling husband and turned Louis around and shared a heated kiss with him until they were interrupted.

"Daddy! Baba! Uncwe Nwail sways we swim wif da fwishies!"

"We're gonna swim with all of the fish in the world!" Louis said picking the boy up.

"Are you and Uncle Niall all done packing Zayn? We have to leave, Uncle Liam is waiting with the car outside."

"Wes! I bwe wight back!" Zayn said as he ran as fast as his chubby legs could go and grabbed his iron man suitcase from his room and wheeled it back to his dads' room.

"I weady!"

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Niall yelled and picked Zayn up and sprinted downstairs while Harry and Louis followed with luggage.

Once they were all settled in the car they started driving until they reached the airport.

"Do you see those planes Zee? We're gonna go on one of those up in the air," Harry said trying to make it exciting.

However Zayn was the opposite of excited, Zayn's mother had this boyfriend who was trying to get his pilot lisence, he already had a small plane and when they went on small trips they would lock Zayn in a back room with no seatbelt. And it didn't help that there was a lot of turbulence and sometimes her boyfriend would fly drunk.

Zayn stayed quiet the whole way inside and through security, after waiting for a half hour it was time to board their flight.

"Alright Zee, you ready?" Louis asked.

"Nwo!" Zayn said sitting back down.

"Zayn come on, it will be so fun, I guarantee it."

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